
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It felt good to be out walking again. I've come a ways now and I'm not tired and I'm not hurting badly.

You want to know where I have wandered?

Look at the photo to the left. I started out somewhere in the middle of all those trees in the upper right hand corner. I crossed over I-95 up in that same corner before that large curve just down from the top of the picture. Can you see that small patch of lighter treeless green that parallels that curve? I wandered through there going toward the top then turned straight toward the river on the far left.

That's the Delaware River, by the way. I've lived near that waterway most my life. It's why I wasn't impressed with the Mississippi (seen in my photo on the right). I know Old Man River is longer and has had the benefit of song and story, but Daddy Delaware is wider and since you can only peer at a piece of any river at a time, plenty inspiring in its own right.

Now back to the walk. Halfway between those trees in the upper right and the river you see most of the town. We walked through the homes to the far edge of the great brown desert that takes up the entire center of the view. We backtracked and went through this area of homes until we reached the main street of town.

You can pick up the main street easily if you go to the lower left where you see a lot of loops of highway. The Philadelphia Pike is the straight road running off the left edge.

I have come along that road past the great brown desert and am now where that large clump of trees begin in the lower left, just turning the corner and heading straight across between the big brown desert and the big green swatch where the letters are giving a website.

I'm starting between the Stone School and the Darley House.

Here is where the great brown desert begins its revival that they call the Renaissance around here. It seemed to have taken years to come about, but now it is happening.

Hopefully it will work out well.

There is a whole village, with stores and homes and parks and ponds planned for this great brown desert. Here is news photo from the ribbon cutting or first shovel dig or some such ceremony.

You can see most of the plan on the easel. Yes, that is one of our senators at the microphone doing what politicians do best, stand in the way of something (the diagram) or if it is going well, stand in front and take credit for it.

Of course if it goes bad they will be standing out front pointing fingers of blame at everyone but themselves, usually a politician of the opposing party.

The short bald-headed guy on the left, whose suit looks like he slept in it, is the current county executive. He's running for the U. S. Senate so he can join the guy on the right. I once had a job interview with the one on the left and breakfast with the one on the right (actually they are both on the left being Democrats). Both came across as pretty nice guys, but in the end one must remember they are politicians for what that is worth.

How many politicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Are you kidding me, the only things politicians know how to screw are the voters.

In case you haven't noticed, I don't like politicians.

Enough about politicians before it spoils my mood and my walk and what I think is a great thing for the people of my area, Darley Green.

"The first thing you will notice about Darley Green is that we build more than houses. We develop homes and neighborhoods together... to create fuller, richer living environments. Our lifestyle experts, landscape planners and architects have completely re-envisioned the age-old concept of the neighborhood to be more inclusive of everything you want and need. Here, you will find a seamless integration of lifestyle and landscape elements... a home that meets your needs... lush parkland and a community Town Centre... tree-lined streets... conveniences in walking distance... all in a peaceful, close-in location... Parkland, walking trails, jogging paths, open space, a natural stream, Town Centre to feature dining, retail, commercial opportunities, Walking distance of Brandywine schools, train station and DART stop on-site, Located 5 minutes from I-95, 2 minutes from I-495, 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport" -- Darley Green - Commonwealth Group

Okay, I don't mean to sound like a shill for this, but I am hoping it will be all it claims to be because I think it will do a lot for this town.

Here are some photos I took of the progress so far and it is my understanding these homes are sold before they are built.

There is a long way to go, a lot of empty field to fill with village.

I continue on my way with belief they will pull it off.

1 comment:

  1. Another nice photo essay. I learn something about your area that I didn't know before. But I did know that you don't like politicans. I don't eithr.

    Great overview map. I'll have to look for one for my area and post it on one of my future blogs.

    Say "Hi!" to Senator Carper when you see him. By the way, your favortie vice president, Joe Biden is in town (Lewes) as I type this from the hotel where I work in Lewes. Maybe I'll get lucky and he wills stop by and say "Hi!" I'll tell him you were asking for him.


Hey, don't be shy. I enjoy comments.