
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rocky Run on Film

First of all, you should scroll to the bottom of my Blog and turn off my music.  Then make certain your speakers are turned on and up to hear me in the videos, if you play them.

It has been a few weeks since the backwoods trails have been accessible. I decided to drive out in the country and see if any more had become free of the prison of ice since our temperatures have been up. I arrived at the Brandywine Creek State Park at about five to eight, and the gates were closed. This surprised me because I was not aware this park even had gates. I really think they were newly added.

I sat in the road with my left turn signal blinking, wondering if it was a safety issue. We had high winds warnings of gusts up to 65 miles per hour. Maybe it was felt people wandering in amongst trees in such conditions was a bit unwise.

A white van came from the other direction with its blinkers indicating a right turn. "Ha, buddy," I said in my head, "park closed." He pulled in a-front of the gates and I noticed the emblem on the van door. Park ranger, so I pulled ahead, went up the road until I could turn, then came back. When I got back the gates were open and no sign of the van. So here we go, down the main path to Rocky Run. If you would, please join me by watching the following videos I took. It was brisk, it was windy -- oh yeah -- and as usual I got lost in the woods. In other words, I had a lot of fun.

 I: Stating Up the Run

 II: Into the Deep Woods

 III: Run From Sun

 IV: Don't Fence Me In

V: Lost in the Wind

VI: Crossing Over

 VII: Looking for the Last Trail


  1. Thank you for the walk thru the woods Lar. It looked like a very beautiful crisp day with a bright blue sky, it was really nice.. You have a young sounding voice with a very northern accent. Glad you didn't slip and fall when you made that leap across the creek or get stung by any bees!

    Tammy :)

  2. Larry,

    That was fabulous! A tour de force! I watched it here at work on my iPad which was very convenient because my iPad doesn't have a Flash Player so I didn't have to turn off your music. I don't think you planned to get lost but your video turned out to have great suspense. The only thin missing was for a strange hooded man to jump out at you and expose himself to you. Of course you almost exposed yourself sliding down that hill looking for the path. Watching your video, I haven't laughed this hard for months, maybe years! Thanks!


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