
Monday, March 28, 2011

Mystery of Hidden Pond: The Complete Saga

  Come along on the search for Hidden Pond. It lies somewhere deep within Brandywine creek State Park.  I would suggest you scroll down first and turn off my music player so you can hear the narration.

 Part I Entering the Forest

 Part 2 Up to the Riverside

 Part 3 Mudland

 Part 4 Escaping


  1. I have to admit that watching these clips made me dizzy because of camera shaking. I do like your warm voice.

  2. Wandering and poetry they blend nice together. The sky looks so blue and pretty and i noticed there was more green coming forth.. The pond did look more like a lake, some of the trees were really big.

    Glad there wasn't any chipmunks to jump out and eat off your face Lar.. LOL!

  3. You do have a nice voice Lar. You should consider doing voiceovers. You would be a lot better than some of these clowns who do voiceovers.


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