
Sunday, June 17, 2012

We Pause in our Tale for Milestones

My mother and me with her dog Nellie, 1943. Nellie had been around much longer than me at that point. I'd been born a couple years earlier in June.

June was a big month for our family and still is I suppose. Lot of us arrived along with summer, including friends.

One of my two best life-long buddies was born in June, three days after I was. That was Stuart Meisel. On that same day, my wife's life-long best friend Evelyn Weinmann was also born.

My Grandmother, who was very close to me as I grew up, was also born in June as was my mother.

And then my mother and father married on my mother's birthday, which is June 21. Everybody got pulled into a celebration even if not born in this month. After all, there is Father's Day, which happens to be today and has in times past fallen on my parent's anniversary or mom's birthday, however you want to put it.

Here are some photo just to pay tribute to this month of June and we June Bugs.

I don't know why they waited so long to take my picture.

Mom at age three.

Dad the year he was born, 1918. You know what, he still looks like that.

See hasn't changed a bit, except for the glasses.

Dad when he looked like me, age 17.

Dad with his shipmates aboard the Destroyer Escort USS Jaccard off Manila in 1944. Dad is the one squatting on the far right.

1946 in Virginia, my Grandmother is the lady seated on the far left. My Aunt Edna is sitting next to her. The woman on the far right is my cousin, Millie Wilson, who was Maid of Honor at my parent's wedding.

My Grandmother in her garden, 1939.

Grandmother in another Garden, 1954

Grandmother 1967 with Jet.

Her last birthday on this earth, June 1987. She died the next year.

Mom at the Ship Road School, 1934. She is seated center. She would be either 13 or 14.

The two Millies, 1936. Milly Wilson left and mom right.

Mom in Kerr Park 1944.

Mom and Dad at Laponte, pa. 1939

Mom and Dad, 1938. Dad was 5 foot 11. Mom was 5 foot 1 and weighted 98 pounds.

Dad and Mom 1939

1946, not long after dad returned from serving in the Navy during WWII. he is squatting in front. My mom is on the far left and my grandmother on the far right. That is me leaning out the car window in the background. The other ladies were Mary Lukens, wife of a Navy buddy and Peg, a friend.

June 21, 1940, the wedding picture. L. to r.: Milly Wilson, Maid-of-Honor, Mom, Dad and best man Bill Hill.

June 21, 2010, my parents cutting the cake at their 70th Wedding Anniversary celebration.

Lois and I at my parents' 70th. Look how happy Lois is to have her picture taken. June 21, 2010.

June 21, 2010. Mom and Dad renew their wedding vows.

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