
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1959 - The First half

Sometimes when you haven't been able to write anything for a while it is necessary to just do something, anything. This is a means of jump starting the old engine again. With what has been happening in my life, that is, the recent deaths of my parents, I needed a simple task. One thing I have been doing is reading the diaries. My mother kept diaries all her life, right up until she had her stroke on April First.

My grandmother had also kept diaries. The year 1959 is a big one in my life because that is the year I graduated high school and entered the real world. Their diaries painted a picture of that year for me. Here is a day by day account of the first six months of 1959 as lived by yours truly.

1.     Went to see Ronald Tipton last night (New Year’s Eve.)
2.     Went to Downingtown Farmer’s Market for evening (Friday)
3.     Went with Richard Wilson to Downingtown
4.     Not feeling well, but went to Bethel Methodist Church for Communion
5.     Home from School (Owen J. Roberts) not feeling well
6.     Mother took me to school, but had to walk home; had earache
7.     Doctor visited home (yes they did that in those days), had gathered ear (means full of fluid) and strep throat
8.     Feeling better
9.     Feeling better
10.  Mother took me to Dr. Mann’s office
11.  Stayed home from church
12.  Returned back to school. Went to Downingtown after school to get haircut (at Clarence Miller’s)
13.  Grandaunt Mary Jane Brown Seeds picked me up at school. Went to Downingtown High School in evening to a basketball game.
14.  Went shopping in West Chester with mother and grandmother.
15.  At school in Owen J. Roberts (Senior)
16.  Mother took me to school and picked me up after
17.  Went to Richard Wilson’s surprise birthday party
18.  Went to Downingtown with Richard Wilson (pictured right)
19.  In school
20.  Sick in the night, missed school
21.  Doctor came to examine me, missed school again
22.  Back in school
23.  In school
24.  No record
25.  Went to MYF Meeting Sunday evening (Methodist Youth fellowship)
26.  Went to MYF Splash party at the Pottstown YMCA
27.  In school
28.  In school
29.  In school
30.  Went to Ronald Tipton’s in Downingtown and then bowling with him
31.  No record
1.     Went to Sunday School and Church in morning; MYF in evening
2.     In School (OJR)
3.     In School
4.     In School
5.     In School. After supper went to visit Cousin Emily Margaret Downing Wilson McCauley. Grand Aunt Lizzie (Wilson) was at her house, too.
6.     In School
7.     Went to Downingtown to pick up cothes at cleaners for my grandmother. Went bowling in evening.
8.     Went to Sunday School. Riding around with Richard Wilson in afternoon. Went out in the evening with Richard Wilson
9.     In School
10.  Mother took me to school (raining)
11.  In School
12.  In School
13.  Went to Ronald Tipton’s (pictured right) in Downingtown during evening (Friday)
14.  Went to MYF Social in evening
15.  Went to Sunday School in morning; out riding around with Richard Wilson in afternoon. Went to MYF in evening
16.  In School
17.  In School
18.  In School
19.  In School
20.  Went with Tommy Wilson to Downingtown to Ronald Tipton’s in evening (Friday)
21.  Went to Downingtown for Haircut in afternoon (Clarence Miller’s). Richard Wilson and I went to a school dance in the evening (probably at Warwick)
22.  Went to Sunday School. In afternoon out riding around with Ray Ayres and Richard ray Miller. Went to MYF in evening
23.  In School (Monday)
24.  Did a stand up comedy routine at OJR School Play in evening (“Frantic Frank on Musick”)
25.  Did my stand up for second night of school play )Me as Frantic Frank on right)
26.  In School
27.  Went to Downingtown and bowling with Ronald Tipton (Friday)
28.  Babysitting Ray & Mae Miller’s kids in evening


1.     Went to Sunday School and Church in morning; MYF in evening. Took my train display down in afternoon
2.     Went to Pottstown after school to pay the telephone bill
3.     In School
4.     In school
5.     In School
6.     Drove the Ford to school. Ray Ayres and I were the DJs for the school dance in evening (Gravely & Hearse)
7.     Went bowling in the evening
8.     Went to Sunday School. Out riding with Richard Wilson all afternoon and evening.
9.     In School
10.  In School
11.  Took dad to garage to pick up his truck.
12.  In School
13.  Went bowling with Ronald Tipton in evening. Picked up my dad at garage at 1:30 AM.
14.  Went to MYF Social in evening
15.  Went to Sunday School in morning and MYF in evening. Was out with Ray Ayres all afternoon
16.  Went to Dr. Mann to get exam required for High School Track Team
17.  In School
18.  Picked up dad in Pottstown while his truck is in garage
19.  Went to Temple University in Philadelphia with my senior class
20.  Went bowling with Richard Ray Miller
21.  Went to Dawn Ayres’ (pictured right) party
22.  Went to Sunday School in Morning  and MYF in evening
23.  Went with Ray Ayres to Pottstown YMCA (Working out in weight room, swim)
24.  Went to Gym Show at OJR in evening
25.  Got out of school at 2:00 PM
26.  Went to Downingtown after school for haircut (Clarence Miller’s) Went to church in evening for Communion
27.  Went to Ronald Tipton’s in Downingtown despite bad snow storm and slippery roads
28.  Went to Downingtown in evening, got Ronald Tipton and another boy and went to Bob Lilly’s
29.  Easter Sunday, went to Sunday School, Grand Uncle Bus and Grand Aunt Mary here for Turkey Dinner
30.  In School
31.  In School


1.     In school
2.     In school
3.     Went to Ronald Tipton’s and bowling (Friday)
4.     Mother took me to Pottstown to get shoes. Had to go to the school at 3:00 PM to help show people to seats for the school supper
5.     Went to Sunday School in morning and MYF in evening; over to OJR in afternoon with boys
6.     In school
7.     Picked up mother and grandmother at school PTA meeting because their car wouldn’t start. Went to Pottstown YMCA in evening with Ray Ayres (Pictured right) and joined.
8.     In track meet against DXowningtown High. Mother and Grandmother’s car broke down in Lionsville, had to go pick them up
9.     Went to YMCA with Ray Ayres
10.  Took Ford to school, went to Downingtown
11.  Went to YMCA with Ray Ayres in afternoon. Double dated with Suzy Cannell and another couple in the evening.
12.  Went flying with Suzy Cannell (she was a pilot), then went with her to her Uncles.
13.  In school
14.  Went to YMCA with Ray Ayres
15.  Took the Ford to a garage for oil change
16.  Went to Downingtown for relay races with other schools
17.  Raked yard; didn’t go to Downingtown since it was Ronald’s prom night
18.  Went to West Chester for glasses, then to Pottstown to rent tux for prom. Took Ronald Tipton along. Ronald and I went bowling afterwards.
19.  Went to Sunday School in morning and MYF in evening. Over at school playing ball with other boys in afternoon
20.  Monday, no school, but had track practice in afternoon
21.  Went to YMCA
22.  Track meet against Boyertown, Boyertown won
23.  Went to YMCA after supper
24.  Took Pam Wilson (Pictured Right) to school dance
25.  Went to West Chester with mother to get shoes. Took Suzy Cannell bowling in afternoon. Went out with Ronald Tipton in evening
26.  Went to Sunday School in morning and MYF in evening
27.  In school
28.  Took Ford into town to have seat covers put on. Took Suzy Cannel to a play
29.  In School
30.  In school, mother went to Pottstown to order tux for Ronald Tipton for the Senior Prom


1.     Picked up Suzy Cannell, who was going to be Ronald’s date for OJR Senior prom, then to Downingtown to pick Ronald up after his band concert. Then picked up Pam Wilson, my date for the Prom
2.     Got home at 6:30 AM from post-Prom party, slept until 2”30 PM. Did stand up comedy routine at church social in evening
3.     Sunday School in morning. Went to Downingtown for Loyalty Day parade. Brought Ronald Tipton and George Bird home.
4.     In school
5.     In school
6.     Track meet with Phoenixville. OJR won. I fowled out on discus.
7.     Went to the movie “The Shaggy Dog” in Pottstown with mother and grandmother
8.     Went to Downingtown to get Ronald Tipton and George Bird, all went to the movies.
9.     Picked up Ronald Tipton in Downingtown, then Suzy Cannell (pictured right). We went for a ½ hour plane ride, then bowling in afternoon. We went to Exton Skating Rink in the evening
10.  Went to Sunday School in morning. Went over to the school with Ray Ayres in afternoon
11.  Went to the Miss Chester County Pagent in Coatesville with Ronald Tipton
12.  In school
13.  In School
14.  Went for another plane ride with Suzy Cannell
15.  Went to Philadelphia with Richard Ray Miller to see about job with telephone company – no luck. Went to the market in evening with Cannells.
16.  No record
17.  Went to Sunday School in the morning and MYF in evening
18.  Went to Downingtown after school for haircut. Went to airport with Suzy Cannell in evening
19.  In school
20.  In school
21.  Took Ford to Lionville Garage for front wheel alignment
22.  Took Pam Wilson to a school party
23.  Went to market in afternoon. Went to Track party in evening, took Suzy Cannell
24.  Went to Sunday School in morning and MYF in evening. Was elected President of MYF
25.  Went to MYF District meeting in Cedarville
26.  Took Ronald Tipton a copy of Yearbook
27.  In school
28.  In school
29.  Took Suzy Cannell to Senior Party at school
30.  Took Ronald Tipton and George Bird to Rocy Springs Amusement Park in afternoon. In evening went with parents to stock car races in Hatfield; took Suzy Cannell along.
31.  Went to Sunday School in morning. At Suzy Cannell’s all afternoon. Attended Baccalaureate Services at OJR in evening


1.     Didn’t have to be at school until 9:00, just for Commencement Practice. Then took Iva Darlington’s  (Pictured Right)commencement gift to her in Downingtown
2.     OwenJ. Roberts’ Commencement in evening. Went to a Graduation Party at Dorothea Lederman’s, met Sonja Kebbe.
3.     Went toRonald Tipton’s in Downingtown in afternoon. In evening went riding with Tommy Wilson and ran out of gas.
4.     Went with mother and grandmother to the Downingtown High School Commencement held in their football stadium outdoors. Stopped at Iva Darlington’s house afterward.
5.     Went to Downingtown Farmers’ Market
6.     No record
7.     Went to Sunday School in morning. In afternoon went to Sonja Kebbe’s to swim and stayed for supper. Fell in love.
8.     No record
9.     Went to Philadelphia with mother and grandmother to inquire about Florence Utt School for IBM Training. In evening the three of us went to the Warner Theater in West Chester and saw, “Some Like It Hot”.
10.  Took mother and grandmother to Downingtown, picked up Ronald Tipton and visited Grove cemetery. Dropped mother and grandmother at Uncle Paul and Aunt Margaret brown’s on Boot Road and then Ronald and I went bowling.
11.  Took my grandmother into Pottstown to exchange some paint she bought.
12.  Went to Downingtown for a haircut. Picked up Ronald Tipton and brought him home for supper. Ronald and I went to movies after dinner.
13.  No record
14.  Went to Sunday School in the morning and MYF in evening. Worked with dad on his truck all afternoon
15.  Took Sonja Kebbe (pictured right) to the movies
16.  Went to the YMCA with Ronald Tipton and then he and I went to West Chester
17.  Hung around home
18.  Took Sonja Kebbe bowling
19.  Went to Ronald Tipton’s
20.  Took mother and grandmother to store in the Ford to get groceries. Mom’s car broken down.
21.  Mother’s birthday and parent’s anniversary. Went to Sunday School in morning. Went to Sonja Kebbe’s in afternoon and stayed for supper.  Ronald Tipton went into Chester County Hospital today
22.  Went to Philadelphia with Sonja Kebbe. I signed up for Florence Utt IBM School
23.  Took mother and grandmother to Pottstown, mom’s car still not running. Mother bought a shirt to give to Ronald Tipton. Went to the hospital to see Ronald Tipton, he was operated on yesterday.
24.  Went with Sonja Kebbe to Chester County Hospital to visit Ronald Tipton
25.  Went to Chester County Hospital to visit Ronald Tipton
26.  Took mother and grandmother to Pottstown to get groceries. In evening took Sonja Kebbe to Philadelphia to see Cinerama, got home at !2:30 AM
27.  My 18th birthday. In afternoon took Sonja Kebbe to hospital to visit Ronald, then she and I went out to dinner.
28.  Went to Sunday School in morning and MYF in evening. In afternoon I went to hospital to visit Ronald Tipton
29.  Went to Philadelphia and started classes at IBM School. Went to see Ronald Tipton in hospital after I got home.
30.  Went to Philadelphia for IBM School.

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