
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thing on the Trail

I admit this one is a bit strange and has me baffled. 

Three years or so ago I took a number of videos of trails I walked in the area. Several of these were in Brandywine Creek State Park. I narrated these treks, sometimes added music and put them up on YouTube. They were taken with my old digital camera, which did not do videos well.

One of those films was along a trail I call the Piken Creek Trail West. It runs from Thompson's Bridge Road, where the park entrance is, to Ramsey Road. It exits onto Ramsey Road not too far from where my church, Iron Faith Fellowship, does baptisms in the Brandywine.

I received a message on YouTube this morning from someone called "constructionofsoul". This is what they wrote"

"Is that a baby Squatch????  I mean wtf larry C'mon  it looks like a child sized evil entity of times past thets chillin in the woods  creepin on you!!!  I know I'm probably the only one to notice this in 3 years but I can't stop watching the clip ITS WEIRD!!!

"looks like a shadow figure crossing the path ahead of you right after your camera looks at the two boulders just wondering if you saw this?

"that sent shivers up my spine let me know what you think"

I wondered what I might think, too, so I found my video and watched it to see what they were talking about.  Here is a clip of what they were referring to. It will open on two rocks. As I move on you will see an opening toward the top in the middle that is sort of a round arch. You have to watch closely, but some creature does appear from the left, cross the path, kind of step back a bit and then forward and into the bushes on the right. I followed the sequence in regular speed with one in slow motion.

I admit it is a bit spooky. When I first looked at it I thought I had an explanation, but after watching in slow motion, I do not. The thing seems to cross the path stepping slightly in my direction, then hesitate just briefly by taking a step back and then coming forward and into the brush. It appears to enter the brush down from the back of the trail where it enters Ramsey Road. 

I took off some stills, but that camera was not primarily a video camera and the films were poor quality. My stills are like all those other paranormal stills one sees of Bigfoot or Flying Saucers and stuff, blurry. Obviously something appears to move across my path (and I do know there were no other people around when I filmed). 

Anybody have any theories?

Right after the two rocks. Slight dark object to the left of the white arch at the top center.

 Something moves into the path from the left.

 It crosses the path and hesitates slightly.

 It stepped slightly toward me when it moved again.

 It stepped off the trail and disappeared into the brush.


  1. I took a look-see at the video on a full screen. It could be a turkey. google "turkey walking in the woods"

    thanks for sharing notes, poetry and history of D'town. I'm not a Downing, but very interested in the hamlet that became Mill Town that became Downing's town that became Downingtown.


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