
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Featured Poet at Franco's at 4W5 on March 13, 2004

I was invited to be the Featured Poet at Franco's and appeared there on March 13, 2004, to do a reading.

Franko's was (is?) located on West Market Street between 4th and 5th Streets in Wilmington, Delaware.

There was an attempt to make this something of a Bohemian-Artsy block. This was centered around a cafe on the corner that was named The 4W5. As far as I know it is no longer in business.

The Second Saturday Poets held their monthly
meetings there in the early 2000s, but they have bounced around a bit since.

There was usually a pretty good turn out of Delaware poets.

Anyway, here below is a video of me reading what I presented that evening.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant poetry and a fascinating video. Bravo! Thanks for sharing it.
    (I plan to view it more than once)


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