You may become a Boy Scout at
eleven years of age. I joined Downingtown Troop 82 in April 1955, less than
three months away from my fourteenth birthday. Troop 82 had nothing in common
with the Original and oldest Troop, except both had a scoutmaster whose nickname was the color of his hair. There was no initiation, no pretend goat and no request to strip. My mother
signed the application and I went to a meeting at the Lutheran Church on West
Lancaster Avenue. I very quickly passed the Tenderfoot requirements to become a
the Pledge of Allegiance.
the Scout sign, salute, and handshake.
tying the square knot (a joining knot).
and agree to live by the Scout Oath or Promise, Law, motto, and slogan, and the
Outdoor Code.
the Scout badge.
A requirement on that list today is to complete and do exercises with
your parents in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse:
A Parent’s Guide. This did
not exist at that time. How sadly far we have come. Of course, maybe it would
have been useful during my first attempt at Scouts with that other troop.
Scout meetings were similar to MYF in
structure. We met, had opening exercises and spend about 15 minutes drilling
(well, we didn’t do drilling in MYF). There was then some type of project, test
or special recognitions of achievement presented. At the end there was a social
period that included games such as “Submarine”.
Submarine was a physical game.
You divided into teams. One team would then be submarines and the other submarine catchers (perhaps destroyer escorts like the ships my dad served on in WWII). The catchers would line up with their legs apart. The submarines, one at a time, would try to crawl beneath the line of open legs without them closing their legs and catching the submarine. I tried to find a picture online to illustrate the game without success. The closest I could get was the photo on the right, which isn't Submarine at all, but boys playing leapfrog. It was something on that order; that is, the one group would line up like about to play leapfrog, except very close together, more like a Rugby scrum. Instead of anyone leaping over anyone, the Submarine would crawl beneath.

At that time there was a practical joke
going about. Some one would come up to you, suddenly looking very startled or
concerned. You would ask them, “What’s the matter?”
“I hate to tell you, man, but…”
“But what?”
It was surprising how many kids didn’t know
what ear lobes were and would get scared, especially when told their ears might
have to be amputated. I used that joke in my story as well. (On the right is
one of the famous celebrities who was a tragic victim of ear lobes.)
I rapidly gained Second Class rank through
out the spring and summer. I have looked at the requirements of today and a lot
has changed. Obviously in 1955 I was not required to explain the Internet. I
also saw nothing in the current requirements mentioning Morse Code. We were
required then to show proficiency in Morse Code. Maybe we were preparing for the
cutting edge technology field of telegraphy. Most of the Scouts dreaded this
test more than any. I passed it with a perfect score and in record time. The
test I feared was the swimming requirements. I see today you have to pass
swimming for Second Class. I didn’t have to worry about that until I went for
First Class.
I was working on my First Class
Requirements, knowing I had a problem since I couldn’t swim. The Scoutmaster
told me I would learn to swim at Camp Horseshoe and pass the requirement there.
Camp Horseshoe was a large Boy Scout Campgrounds near Silver Springs, Maryland
in the area where Mason-Dixon Speedway existed. Our Troop was going for a
two-week stay that summer. I did not enjoy this trip as much as I had expected.

It was a large tent with the side flaps rolled up, just a canvas roof providing shade. They lined us up at one end to pass through to doctors at the other. The doctors would check us physically we were informed.

When I reached my doctor he said, “Reach
down and spread your toes on your right foot.”
I did so and he bent forward and stared
between my toes.
“Now the left,” he said.
I switched hands somewhat aware of my
undignified position of being bend over with my bare rear end in the air. He
examined this foot and then said, “Okay, you may go get dressed.”

The other was the Great Capture The Flag
War. This was not an ordinary Capture the Flag game. This was an elaborate war
game played as night was falling, so some of it was in the dark. They pitted
Troops against Troops. Everyone fanned out over the camp attempting to snatch
handkerchiefs off the belts of other Scouts. If your handkerchief was captured
you became a prisoner of war. The winning Troop was the one who took the most
prisoners. However, a rumor circulated that one of the Troops made their
prisoners strip. (Gosh, was that other Downingtown Troop attending?) A couple of Troops claimed they
would do this too, which gave the rumor credence. In any society there are the good
and the bad. I hid out in a field with a couple fellow Scouts that night. They
never captured us. We might have been cowards, but to the others we were
I didn’t mind some things. Each Troop was
responsible for KP duties for a day, which involved preparing meals, serving
and clean up. One of the features of Boy Scout camp, by the way, was a drink
called Bug Juice. It was some sort of concoction, who knows, maybe mixed
Kool-Aid flavors. You could always gross out some kids by telling them it was made from
squashing real bugs.
You could sidle up to some Tenderfoot and say,
“I had KP last night and saw it made!” After that you could throw in anything
you wanted.

Once again I relied on my super holding it
in power to minimize my visits to these public latrines. I would keep a
watchful eye out and whenever it appeared an outhouse might be unoccupied I
would dash in and relieve my burden. I, of course, only urinated on these
dashes. I never did the other during such trips.
I passed a lot of my First Class Requirements
at Horseshoe, except the swimming. I did traditional
crafts such as make a beaded belt with a horseshoe buckle. You weaved into the
belt skills you accomplished at the camp. I also picked up a couple Merit
badges during those weeks; I forget which now. I know I earned Badges in
Camping, Reading, Reptiles and Amphibians, Insect Study and Zoology in Boy
Scouts. I think I got Stamp Collecting and I might have got Astronomy. I still
had an interest in science; the teachers hadn’t completely beaten that out of
me yet.
I do have another memory of Camp Horseshoe
that was great, but it wasn’t on that summer stay. In the winter of early 1956,
January 7 to be precise, some of us in Troop 82, along with the Scoutmaster,
hiked the Mason-Dixon Line down into Camp Horseshoe. It was bitter cold. The
frigid weather turned even the little waterfalls in the streams to solid ice.
We spent the night in a cabin at Horseshoe, bundled up in our sleeping bags.
There may have been fireplaces in that cabin. I know we ate Cream of Wheat for
breakfast, something I didn’t usually eat, but it was nice and hot. We were the
only ones in the camp at that time. I loved that hike. It is one of my fondest
I was elected Patrol Leader in December 1955.
That was an amazing change. People usually picked me near last and here my
peers elected me their leader. I took it seriously. I was Patrol Leader of the
Beaver Patrol. That probably would have been a position bringing derision in
some circles today. Even Beaver College gave up its historic name in the face
of jibes, which personally I consider cowardice on their part.
I had a good patrol. There were four Patrols
in Troop 2, if memory serves. There was a earned the
most. In February 1956 the Troop scheduled a weekend at our private campsite.
This camp was located up Rock Raymond road on a hill overlooking the town and called
Camp McIlvaines. However, the Scoutmaster cancelled the outing due to a storm
predicted for the weekend. Beaver Patrol never got the message for some reason.
Four of us showed up that Friday evening.
Patrol Leader of the Quarter named. Points were awarded and this honor went to the patrol that
Patrol Leader of the Quarter named. Points were awarded and this honor went to the patrol that
We hiked to the campsite expecting to see
other members of the Troop already there. The site was deserted. We waited and
about a half hour past the posted meeting time realized no one else
was coming. It was beginning to rain. Nip Wilson decided to go home, but the
rest decided to stay. These were Jim Dawson (pictured left), Dickie Dietz and
(The photo on the right is Nip Wilson. My
mother thought
this was a picture of me even though I looked nothing like Nip and was several
inches taller.)
Now when I say campsite, I mean there was a
clearing in the woods with a couple of designated fire pits circled by rocks. There was no other resemblance to a camp. We pitched two of our tents each designed to sleep two, but we choose to squeeze into one. We dug a latrine in the woods and a trench around the tents. This trench would keep the rainwater from getting into the tents if it started to flow down hill, which it did.

We stayed through Sunday. We got some breaks
in the storm by them and cleaned up the camp, made some repairs to the fire
pits and did everything one should do on a campout, such as make sure any fires
are doused and covered, bury your latrine and leave the place looking like you
hadn’t been there.
We earned enough points for braving the
weather that I made Patrol Leader of the Quarter.
On one of our campouts Dickie Dietz’s home
burned down. I don’t remember if it was during that weekend or not, but I wrote
a story called, “A Brother to All” based on this trip and incorporated his loss.

I told him I hoped I’d go to Heaven because
I thought I was a pretty good guy, but I really didn’t know. I didn’t see how anybody could really
know. I carried that card in my wallet for many, many years without filling in
the blank. Many jimmy Dawson planted the seed that didn’t blossom for another
two decades on that camping trip.
I guess the last two memories of my years in
Boy Scouts were in September of 1956, because they were probably the last I was
involved in Scouts. We had moved from Downingtown and I would have to quit the Troop. On September 8 we went on a tour of the penicillin plant in
West Chester. Stuart was along. Wyeth, Inc. had opened a penicillin
manufacturing plant on East Neilds Street in 1952. They had first made
penicillin in a garage at the corner of North Walnut and North Chestnut Streets
in 1943, when they were known as Reichel
Laboratories. Now they offered tours of a new state of the art plant to see how this “modern
wonder” drug was cultivated. My only real memory of that day was how the whole
neighborhood smelled like bananas. Wyeth closed the West Chester plant in
November 2004.
I was all of a sudden leaving two organizations
that had given me sanctuary during my last year at Downingtown, MYF and Troop 82 BSA. They accepted me as just one of
the boys in both. No one bullied or made fun of me. People respected and
treated me as an equal.
Reverend Thomas Ogden (pictured left)
provided lots of activities for the Youth Fellowship besides the regular
Sunday evening meetings. Some one else led those Sunday meetings because
Reverend Ogden was conducting the evening service at that time. He and his wife
were very nice people. He would have these special get-togethers at the
parsonage next to the church and they were always fun. His wife would make
lemonade and brownies. I remember three such events very well.
One time he put us into teams of three or
four and handed each team a list. He sent us out on a scavenger hunt all over
Downingtown. If you have never participated in one of these it works this way.
The host gives you a list of items, some quite ordinary, but most a little
offbeat. You try to find as many of the items on the list as possible. Whoever
gets the most wins the game.

At Christmas we became a living manger scene
between the parsonage and the church. I was a shepherd. We had shifts. Some of
us would stand for an hour in the little stable he had constructed on the grass
plot. We would then come inside the parsonage and another group would take our
place. Inside the Pastor’s wife would have hot cocoa with marshmallows waiting
to warm us up. We did this living scene for several nights.

In the blue haze of morning, daylight completely
obliterated by rain, we discovered the marsh turned into a small lake forcing
us to remain guests in the house another day. Meanwhile the torrent fell. By
noon our shelter was virtuously an island.
We tried to make the place comfortable,
set candles and matches conveniently about and ate a cold breakfast at
lunchtime. The afternoon was boring. We itched to be gone.
Night dropped over the hills like a heavy
coat. It brought more rain and wind. The house began to speak to us from every corner
and crevice. There were scratching and squeaks of restless bats beneath the
eves. Below, in the cold cellar was the squeak and rustle of field mice seeking
shelter. Around us the contracting walls gasped, the porch roof screamed, the
windows howled. The floorboards in the room creaked.
We lit the candles as soon as darkness
thickened, sitting down on the floor back to back in the center of the barren
room. I faced the front of the house, Dick the back. We talked little. We
listened to the sounds fearful of falling asleep.
Sleep did come. It was fitful.
In the morning we were still prisoners.
The swamp was a danger. The rain continued.
It was dismal. We were irritable.
But we were braver. We wandered through
the musty rooms of the upper floor. Even the creaks of the spongy floor didn’t
send us hustling back down the stairs. We felt adventurous, explorers of a vast
I went into the far bedroom, a large room
dominated by a musty odor. I heard soft footsteps behind me.
I got angry. I was it no mood for Dick’s
morbid humor designed to frighten me. I spun around, ready to yell at him.
He wasn’t there.
There was nothing.
I stood, staring hard at a blank wall
listening to footsteps still behind me.
I turned again. No one.
I edged my way to the center hall and
called for Dick, but I didn’t receive any answer, except the screams of the
porch roof. From the bedroom I had fled I heard the steps. They were soft and
slowly moving in my direction.
From a rear room, where Dick had gone, I
heard another sound. I saw something flash pass the door. It was light in
color, gelatinous. It carried something. It came into the room with me. At the
same time the soft footsteps entered behind me. I saw what the gelatinous
creature carried, one of our lit candles.
The house began to vibrate, the floor tingled
beneath my feet and I stood unable to move. I cried out, “Dick, for god’s sake,
where are you, Dick? ”
No answer.
The creature with the candle and the footsteps
were closing on me. I saw new shadows and small lights whirling like giant
Chased by laughs and coughs, I fled the
Outside in the rain I tried to
concentrate. The wind blew stronger every minute. There was a loud crash as the
roof finally tumbled to the porch. I took a step toward the wreckage. “Dick,” I
“I’m here,” he said.
He leaned against one of the barn walls,
his clothes soaked by the rain.
“I got the hell out of there,” was all he
The rain stopped like God threw a switch.
Dick walked over and stood by me. We watched as flame appeared behind an upper
room window. The roof of the house sagged inward. When the moon slipped from
the clouds, the house gave a great moan and died slowly into the swamp.
Dickie knew little more than James or I about the actual
mechanics of sex, but he could talk about something James and I was equally
ignorant about, the naked female body. Dickie had five sisters, although they
were with different families. He had vivid images of his elder sister taking a
bath. He was caught peeking through the keyhole and whipped, but was so
fascinated by what he saw he kept spying. James had one brother and I was an only
child and we never had such an opportunity.
Dickie had all the good things to tell. I had something to
tell, but I held back. I claimed a girlfriend, but said what we did was sacred
and not to be talked about. I let them fill in the blanks.
There was nothing between this girl and I, except my own
imagination. She was friendly to me at school and once accepted a Milky Way
from me. I had a habit of whispering in her ear, not out of romance, but because
from that angle I could peek down the front of her blouse . It was a time of sneaky
discovering. I used to drop my pencil in attempts to peer up her skirt thinking
I was quite ingenious.
Dickie was bolder and kept no secrets. Dickie told an
adventure of exploration he shared with a neighbor girl in her father’s tool
shed. It had been dark inside and he had not seen much, but he felt marvelous
things in the darkness.
James and I admired Dickie. We wished we could be like him. Dickie
was always singing risqué tunes, smiling mischievously or cracking dirty jokes.
To us Dickie lived a perfect life. He got away with things we never could and
he never had to go to church.
The rain disappeared by morning and a bright sun came through
the clouds. It bathed the town below us in livid and alive color. We built a
fire and cooked a breakfast of bacon, eggs and biscuits, fare always more delicious
by a campfire. Many times the worse food made at campfires seemed the best meal
ever eaten. There was something magic about it all that promised a good day.
After eating and cleaning the tins, we sat a bit and looked
out over the valley at the town. Wilmillar was like a large Christmas village
from there, every building a miniature toy of the ones we had known all our
lives. We pointed at our school and the one we went to as children.
“Hey,” James said, “look at all the smoke.”
“To the west. See it?”
I saw it. It was a half-shade between gray and black, an evil
smoke, thick, melancholy and active.
“Something big is burning. Listen.” James said
We heard the first warning blasts joined by more sirens. The
trucks were on their way, hurrying across town. We sat and listened and
watched, seeing heavy embers float skyward.
“It looks bad,” I said.
“Yeah,” said James.
Dickie was quiet. He stared at the smoke.
“It’s coming from near your place,” I said to him.
From the collection, Sins of the Sons (1972)
Bucky Lefebvre was cautiously lifting his soup kettle of
boiling water on the end of a thick forked stick. He stepped back from the
Terry yelled as he came out from his tent, freed from his own
fears by the madness of anger cooking for so long in the tent.
“Damn you, Richie!”
Everything froze. Each scout stopped as if solidified by the
strange curse. Everything froze except the boiling water, which cascaded
backward over Bucky.
The freeze thawed instantly. Bucky fell to the ground
screaming loudest in a cacophony of screams. In agony for their own, the scouts
formed about the fallen. Bucky lay on his back upon the ground writhing gently.
The front of his uniform was wet, but the exposed flesh of his arms and legs
was strangely dry.
As they stood surrounding Bucky, unsure of what to do,
waiting for him to sit up with a laugh and joke about spilled soup; they saw
the skin of his limbs change. At first this flesh was a slight red, then it
darkened, darkened down the length of his arms and legs. Still it continued to
change. White blisters grew like radiated mushrooms. Larger, white lumps of epidermis
domes, until too large, which caused them to pop, bursting down the line like
pin-pricked soap bubbles, breaking open and then pealing back, layer upon layer
until his skin was like plowed earth, an ashen, dusty, tissue-thin upturned
Hands reached toward Bucky, but Terry pushed through the
circle, broke apart the pressing bodies, ordered them away.
“He’s in shock,” Terry yelled, “he’s in shock.”
Bucky moaned.
Terry grabbed the now cooling kettle and thrust it under
Bucky’s feet to raise his legs. He lifted the legs and when he released the
scalded flesh clung to his hands and pealed away with his grip.
“Damn,” he whispered. “Get me sheets, hurry.”
Frank sat back now, crying inwardly, though
no tears escaped to embarrass him. He stared at Terry feeding sips of water to
the sheet-shrouded Bucky, looking like a morbid Pieta, and knew deep within
that he had suffered a terrible initiation. He was a member of a vast club. At
that moment he felt the butt of some perverse joke played upon him, and he knew
it would get his goat unto the end of his days.
After the excitement eased and the ambulance
left and a day had passed, the scouts gathered on a hill for the final
campfire. In turn they sang, each standing to lead the others in some favorite
tune. When Frank’s turn came he stood and began to sing in a shaky, but
miraculously on key, voice:
“There was a man of
double deed,
Who sowed his garden full of seed…”
He led them through the song to the bitter end.
like a penknife in the heart;
when my heart began to bleed,
I was dead, and dead indeed.”
Oh how I wanted to join the Boy Scouts. But like so many other things, including buying my first yearbook (DHS 195), my Mother said "NO!" Now, hearing about your experiences as a Boy Scout, I'm glad I didn't join in the "fun" of stripping naked for all to see. By the way, I think all that stripping naked wasn't necessary, an excuse for a bit of voyeurism at play here for the pervs if you ask me. I've had to undergo such experiences myself, several times. Totally unnecessary to totally strip but we did like the time I applied for a job at Lukens Steel. A roomful of men of all ages and we all had to strip naked at the same time while we awaited the doctor to "check us out." In the meantime the secretaries were walking around. Even then (1963) I knew what was going on. Perv activity. I hope this practice has changed today in our extra sensitive times.
I am glad I joined Troop 82. I probably would have gotten into a real bad time if not for the Boy Scouts and MYF at that time. There were only two instances that were negative. The First was trying to join Troop 2 with Stuart when we were brutalized by the Scouts there in a hazing and the experiences at Camp Horseshoe. The stripping naked to have the feet looked at was ridiculous, but happened on arrival so was quickly over with. The fear of swimming naked or the Capture the Flag threat was unfounded, but was in my head and that made it bad for me. My other experiences in Boy Scouting were some of the most enjoyable of my boyhood. I was also good friends then with the brother of your friend, Jack Dawson. I was friends with Jim and that was positive.
This post was very enlightening, since I was never a Boy Scout and knew nothing about it. From what you've revealed, I don't think I would have survived two days.
I think a lot of the required "strip-downs" were done solely to appease the perverts in charge. There's absolutely no need to be naked when being checked for athlete's foot.
I remember being in a car accident when I was around twenty. I had an injury to my neck and arm. The doctor insisted that I get entirely naked for the examination. Like a fool, I did so - - thinking that you can't question a doctor's authority. To this day I regret complying to his request. There was no need for it.
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