
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Rehab: Part Hospital, Jail, Insane Asylum, 11


 Let's talk about the serious stuff. I was in medical rehab, not any kind of substance abuse rehab. I was surrounded by many others there for medical conditions as well. These weren't like my roommate in the hospital, who had broken up his glass crack pipe and swallowed the bits.  Maybe he is in rehab somewhere now, but a different kind.  He needs another kind of rehab, though, the Jesus Rehab. Jesus is God's way of rehabbing mankind. But you got to put your trust in Doctor Jesus and many don't, so they don't get rehabbed.

       Were all those patients around me fixed? The little old lady who wept day and night wanting out of there? She was very tiny woman, who shrank to a curled up bag of fear when in a wheelchair.  How about the howling man? Sometimes he would lie in his bed, his narrow prison, and in a loud voice sing Gospel or chant to God.  But he was still singing his woe after I left. I could hear him all the way down the hall. ll the man in the room next door did was yell to send him home and give all the attendants, nurses and Therapists grief.  He was very combative. I use to pray for the safety of the aide that had to try and get him calm or do things. Most were women and I wondered how safe they were when they went into that room.

     My roommate, Frank, who was left thee when I departed, facing an unsure fate. At least another month and then maybe even more in long-term care.

      I cannot stand or walk well, but there are those in worse shape than me. I realize my disease is progressive, but so what?  Life is a precious gift from God. We need to be joyful every day we are here. Don't go moping about your lot in life. There are many people who cold use your help. Go help. When Jesus was walking this Earth 2,000 years ago, he helped those in need.  He didn't ask what political party they were or look at their race or financial situation.  He saw a need and he addressed it. 

      It was said "every man was appointed to die and then th judgement."  We are to live here and find Jesus if we haven't. And when we die will come our judgement from God. Not on how many good deeds we did, but on whose side we chose ti be on. You go to Jesus' Rehab and you should have no fear.  Just pass the message on and when your day to die comes yo will be taken care of.

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