
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Artistic Friends Over the Years Part 16: New Start

By the mid-90s I had been away from publishing to the world. I had still been writing, because I have always viewed it as a curse more than a blessing; that is, once writing has you there is no escape from it. You have to write. It is like a powerful drug that I tried to walk away from. 

Yes, I had published a number of books for both my work at Wilmington Trust and as a Youth Minister and all at Laurel Hill Bible Church, but I had the itch to publish elsewhere again.

Oh, sure I had seen some of my poems make it into print, but where were my stores, essays and plays?  My close artistic friends were gone.

      In 1995 I read online the a theater company in Florida was looking for some new plays for their repertory company. I decided there was nothing to lose, so I sent them a play called, "Leslie in the Lyons Den". It dealt with the conflict of bringing our Christian values and views into the modern business world.  Mr Lyons was a demanding boss, and Leslie was our modern day Daniel, who was caught between pleasing their Boss or pleasing God. I named the main character Leslie so the part could be filled by a man or a woman.

     Much to my surprise the bought my play and added it to the program for Hearts of Tampa Acting, even contacting me to write their radio advertising. 

     Spurred by this success, I joined some local writing groups. First think I knew I had new artistic friends.



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