
Saturday, October 17, 2020

My Artistic Friends Over The Years: Part 8, Jerry & Jeff


Time marches on and I left Addressograph behind for a clerical department at Atlantic Refining, now known as Atlantic Richfield. I became a Ledger Clerk in Accounts Receivable as my day job, but my real preferred avocation was writing and thanks to Robert Kane I was seeing my nam in print. This was only the beginning.

There were 50 -some people in Accounts Receivable and many likes me wanted to do other things. Several also went to college at night, as did I at Temple University. I began to meet these people and I began to do ghostwriting of their school papers for a fee. After a while we formed into a group.

     I know it has seemed like every friend's name started with R, with the exception of Stuart. There was Ronald, Richard, Ray, Richard Ray, and a couple of Roberts, but now we come to some J's. I did some ghost writing for Jeff Monson, but he never joined our inner circle. He was more interested in pursuing his business career than in the worlds of writing or art. Still he hung around and in the picture to th left he is at our place.

    Closer to our group was Jerry Neville. He was older than most of us, but had dreams of going on to writing as a career though. Not so sure h ever did.

He was going to St. Joseph University at the time I knew him. I first got together with him helping him write a biographic study of Lawrence of Arabia, called "T. S. Lawrence and The Seven Pillars of Wisdom." 

I then ghosted pieces with his name in the byline, mostly reviews, such as "Movie Review: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf".

       I was also ghostwriting work by Diane Pellagrino at this time. 

        Sometime in here, I met Jim and Joe.

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