
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Steve Koelsch My Artistic Friends Over the Years Part 19: Stave K.


On March 8, 2003, I was invited to be Featured Poet at Cathleen Rooney's Pub on Trolley Square in Wilmington. I was invited a second time to be the Featured Poet on March 13, 2004 at Franco's Bar on West Market Street in Wilmington. The second time it was just me taking the stage for th evening, but the first time I had to share the spotlight with a second Featured Poet.  His name was Stephen P. Koelsch.

      I knew Steve from both the poetry group at Barnes and Noble snd at Second Saturday Poets.  It was Second Saturday the sponsored the events. You got to read your work for an hour and they were an appreciative crowd. Steve and I became good friends.  In 2002, Steve had a book published by Trafford Publishing, a Canadian Firm.. It was entitled "Dancing Bare!" It was described as a  "Densely packet journey into adult reality". No, it wasn't pornography, but it was about relationships. The
opening Poem was "The Sadness of Women". There were 42 poems contained between the covers.

We shared our work as friends, though his style and content varied from my own.  I assume he is still writing lines and perhaps has had another book or two since we last saw each other.

Don't you think
that most of us
are drawn to
what we're not?
Don't we spend 
our lives trying
to fill absences?
Breath deeply
of the magic.
in your everyday world,
For in that dead world
waiting patiently for us
on the back side of life
we may wander
hopelessly forever
wishing for a glimpse
of the other.

       "The Other" by Stephen P. Koelsch (2002)

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