
Friday, July 1, 2011

Tribute to Tucker (Written April 10, 2009)

Thank you who have expressed your sympathy to us on the loss of Tucker.  Tucker did not not start life off under good circumstance.  I don't know the reason, but as a puppy he ended up in the Delaware Humane Association shelter.  Perhaps he had been born with show dog hopes and because he had some red in this nose instead of all black, he wasn't considered good enough and was discarded. I really don't know. But we saw him there and adopted him.

He was a very smart dog, very friendly and loyal, and tolerant of our cats. It was sad to see him deteriorate in old age and hard to make that final decision, very hard. But I think we gave him a very great life. he lived very long for a lab, that must say something. 


  1. A very nice tribute to man's best friend Lar.

  2. Hi, Larry. Sounds like was very loved (which is the main source of every creature's happiness) and contributed greatly to your family's way of life. :)

  3. Sighhh.... Now the RSS feed to your 2009 blog is broken! Maybe check your options, and make sure you didn't turn it off or something.

  4. Larry!! You claimed, and the RSS feeds work again, and all's right with the world!!! Hooray!!! Praise the Lord!!

  5. Happy Easter, Larry!

    "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (1 Cor. 15:20-22).

  6. Thank you so much for sharing a bit of Tucker with me...Yellow Labs are quite special, aren't they?! I'm sorry for your loss of him...there's just something very precious about the love of a dog.

    I hope you have a blessed weekend.


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