
Friday, July 1, 2011

We Interrupt this Series for a Sudden Interruption... (Written April 7, 2009)

Let me say, this has been a trying couple of weeks around a couple of days of relaxation. My wife and I spent last Wednesday through Friday at the Inn on Canal Square in Lewes, Delaware, the fine inn where Retired on Delaware works.  We
 certainly needed the time away just to unwind and have some peace.

The day before we left was not a good one, nor was the morning before we left.

On Tuesday we had our dog, Tucker, put to sleep.
He was a yellow lab who reached the grand old age of 18, although it wasn't so grand for him. He no longer could stand up, let alone walk. We had to carry him outside several times a day and he needed someone to stay with him through the night.  My son and I took turns with these tasks, but a couple of weeks ago, while taking him in and out, I torn something in my upper leg and could no longer lift him.  I am still having a great deal of pain and can't really bend down and lift anything.  My oldest daughter, who works for the SPCA, talked to the vet there and he felt it was best for the dog to bring him in and put him down.  besides his inability to stand, he had some tumors and I could see he had cataracts in his eyes.

It was difficult to do.  All five us had our moments of crying.  My two daughters and my wife took him to the SPCA, where he was attended to. The Delaware Pet Crematorium director met them there and took the body.  

We got him back this past Monday in a nice little casket with his ashes and a tuft of his fur. He is gone, but we still keep looking for him in the room or listen for his bark.

On Wednesday a week ago, the morning we left for Lewes, I went to edit a post and when I clicked view, a strange site came up, a kind of product search engine.  Someone had taken my domain name. Now, I had registered the name a year ago and my subscription did run out on March 29, the very day I found this other party grabbed the name. I had no notification that my subscription was ending or renewal notice. Not much I can do, I guess.

I thought I had no choice but to rebuild my site, which I did. Then I discovered I could retain my old site as is by just changing it to  By that time I had sent an email to my followers asking them to change to the new site called

I now think I will use nightwritinglem as my 2008 postings and do my 2009 postings on  I have a link between the two.  I hope you will bear with me on this and continue to read my posts.  My regret is directories, both on line and in print, will now be directing people to this other site and not mine, but it is what it is.

This has been a bad year for me on the Web. Last year someone breached security and took over my email to send out spam and I lost my original email address. Then my PC crashed and I had to transfer everything to a new Mac. Now this.  Perhaps Satan is trying to shut me up.

But like an old Timex, pain or stolen web sites will not stop me from keeping on ticking. I'm just sorry I must put you thought this trauma with me.


  1. So sorry that you lost Tucker. He had a good life in a loving home. He was a very fortunate dog. He is at rest now. You will always have his memories.

    Yes, I think you are being tested by cyber space with having both your e-mail address then your web site address hijacked. What puzzles me is what does the name "nitewrite" have to do with a real estate web site? What am I missing here?

    So far I haven't had a problem with my domain names. They always remind me when my subscription is up. Sometimes too much.

    I enjoyed seeing you and Lois again. Check Trip Advisor for my restaurant review of Striper Bites. I took them to task for that fast food hamburger they charged me $12.00 for.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your lab. We hadn't owned a dog, especially a house pet in over 30 years. That is until we fostered a lab mix, 10 wks. old with a broken leg. He was found in a ditch on Christmas Eve, at 3 wks. old. What an adorable puppy he was. Our hearts melted or should I say mine & I was hooked. My husband isn't too keen on house pets but he's coping because he loves me. Timmy (Tiny Tim as he was called) is now 16 months old & so full of himself. Everyday with him is a day of challenges & so it goes.
    I'm going to read thru the rest of your blog to do some catching up. This is all new to me but I find it relaxing to read others insights & get a feel for who they are. Keep up the great work!


  3. Hello larry,

    What a sweet little casket for Tucker. He was sooo cute! our angel looked something like him. We had to put her asleep a little over a year ago, she was part black lab, she was only 14 though, it was very hard I still refer to Frissee as Angel sometimes, Frissee will be 12 soon it is going to be really hard when we have to put her down she has been such a companion to me. I hope things will begin to turn around for you and the web, you seem to be learning alot.

    I am really enjoying facebook, the quizzes can be somewhat addicting though. I don't know who comes up with those but i thought it funny that you were considered a flapper lol! some are so far off base that it is rediculous. I always hated the grunge thing but my decade was grunge Whatever!

  4. My grand-daughter as a white lab; he's beautiful.

    Sorry to hear of your loss........Diane


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