My best guess was the FBI was reading my mail.
That must have bored J. Edgar no end.
That must have bored J. Edgar no end.
Why should the FBI have any interest in poor little me.
Part of that answer
is the times we were living in. There was a good bit of
distrust, suspicion and fear in the '60s, not dissimilar to today. Remember, I had been writing for the Underground Press in publications that were not so subtle about their stance against authority and the status quo. In Philadelphia there was already a war against the police being ginned up and the Philly cops of that era didn’t help cool things down. They swaggered about the city in these leather jackets and they had very descriptive words for any protesters on the street, not to mention a pretty aggressively vocal Police Commissioner named Rizzo.

I was not much a fan of the establishment then myself.
There were also the
magazines I subscribed to. One was well known as a radical, leftist rag
that also often printed salacious pieces. This was a very popular magazine with
artists and anyone considering themselves a revolutionary. It was called
Evergreen Review”. It did feature work by a who’s who of writers though, Susan
Sontag, Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, Samuel
Beckett, Charles Bukowski and many others of note. Frankly, I tried to get in
the blasted thing myself.

The strip was part satirical, part intellectual and a whole lot of sexual. Somehow poor Phoebe often found herself naked and tied up.
They had also translated and run the French comic strip of
Barbarella, later made into a somewhat notorious film starring Jane Fonda. Like
Phoebe Zeit-Geist, Barbarella couldn’t seem to keep herself completely dressed

My other subscription was to a magazine that man men
subscribed to. This was “Playboy”. It was a Christmas gift from my wife. You
will see when it came to sex she was quite liberal.
Lois and I had also taken part in a few protests and
demonstration about town, and would continue to do so for a while to come. We
were becoming regular attendees in the coffeehouse as well. The result of this
“radical” behavior was seen by someone somewhere as a threat.

Reading further I discovered I was being charged with voter
fraud, specifically of illegally registering and been witnessed being coached on
what party to choose by the registrar. It was signed by some legal clerk and by
the witness to my dirty deed. Who’s
behind this nonsense, it wasn’t even an election year? Ah, but there was one of great interest to the
city coming in 1971. They must have wanted an early start to rig it.
I first registered to vote in in 1961 when I turned 21. That
was the first year I was eligible, the 18 year-old being allowed to vote didn’t
happen for another decade during the Vietnam War. Having grown up in Republican
strongholds, I had registered as a Republican. I voted for Barry Goldwater in
1964, my first Presidential election. By 1968, I was already becoming a rebel
and I voted for Dick Gregory for President, although still registered
When we moved to
University City in Philadelphia we moved into a heavily Democratic area. We had
to reregister because our address had changed, so one day a month or so after
we settled in, Lois and I ambled down to the registration office, which was located in a University of Pennsylvania Medical Clinic on the corner of our block right across from Clark Park. There was a fairly large room with a couple long tables in the center, a few chairs and almost no people about. We had already decided to register as Democrats because that was the majority in the area, no other reason.
Some guy took Lois to one table and this middle-aged woman called me over to the other table. She checked my ID and asked some questions. Had I been a resident of the district at least 30 days? Birth date? Was I an American citizen? They were very basic queries. Of course, one she asked was occupation. Lois told her guy she was a private secretary at the University of Pennsylvania Chemical Department. I told my interrogator I was a “freelance writer”, because at that moment that was all I was.
Some guy took Lois to one table and this middle-aged woman called me over to the other table. She checked my ID and asked some questions. Had I been a resident of the district at least 30 days? Birth date? Was I an American citizen? They were very basic queries. Of course, one she asked was occupation. Lois told her guy she was a private secretary at the University of Pennsylvania Chemical Department. I told my interrogator I was a “freelance writer”, because at that moment that was all I was.
“Freelance writer” is a pretty nebulous title. What is it, anyway?
It could simply be a prideful substitute for “unemployed”. Here I am 47 years
later and I can still call myself a “Freelance Writer”, but almost the only
writing I do anymore is my Blogs, but writing really is the only thing I do.
Anyway, Lois did not get a summons. I thought that was curious, but I quickly
figured out it was the occupation answer. She was a Private Secretary, that was
a “real” job. I was some mysterious thing called “freelance writer”. They must
have taken that answer as phony in some way.
I was also curious about the witness. The address was given
and it was only a few blocks away, so I walked over to the street and the house
number. There was no house to put a number on. There was only a weedy empty lot.
And an occupation of freelance writer is suspicious, but an empty lot as an address isn't?
And an occupation of freelance writer is suspicious, but an empty lot as an address isn't?
I soon learned through the student grapevine that I should
call the Democratic Headquarters for my district. There had been several
thousand residents of the area, mostly college students, that received subpoenas
challenging their right to vote. The Republicans wanted to reduce them from the voter poles. They were going to put Frank Rizzo up for mayor and he did fly well with students. The Democrats were supplying a lawyer. I spoke
with someone from the Party. He told me I would have to go to court or my vote
would be automatically stripped from me.

The space filled quickly, soon it was wall to wall people.
They brought in more chairs, but this was limited by the fire laws. People were
standing across the back, shoulder to shoulder. There were many more jamming
the hallway who couldn’t even get an eyelash through the door. The temperature was already oppressive, now body heat was pushing it to unbearable
Up at the front was a long table, or bench as they called it, with six men seated behind it. These were our judges, but they really weren’t judges. They were Republican Committeemen and Ward Healers. Our fate would be decided by the very people who brought us up on charges.
Up at the front was a long table, or bench as they called it, with six men seated behind it. These were our judges, but they really weren’t judges. They were Republican Committeemen and Ward Healers. Our fate would be decided by the very people who brought us up on charges.
I looked around the court room. It was clear most of those
summoned were college students, but not all. Some, like me, must have fallen in
their net by error. There were three or four middle aged Black women a couple
rows down from me. They each wore one of those Sunday-Go-To-Meeting hats. A few rows behind was a slumped old man falling asleep. Over from
me sat a fat guy with a long white beard. “Oh my gosh”, I thought, “they even subpoenaed
Santa Claus.”
Our Democratic Lawyer sat in a chair at the front.
Our Democratic Lawyer sat in a chair at the front.
The alleged witnesses to our misdeeds sat lined along the
right side wall. There were three men and a lady, all kind of propped there. Their age was indeterminable,
but they were all shabby and slovenly. My guess was they were paid in something
like a bottle of Thunderbird in exchange for their testimony, which they gave with the hesitancy
of poor memorization. I wondered which one lived in the vacant lot. The
witnesses name was male, so I could only rule out the woman.
Every time our lawyer stood to make a motion or an objection
he was overruled. At one point he was even told to shut up. Finally, the “judges”
began calling forth the accused, one at a time, alphabetically. I stole a look
at my watch (I wore one in those days) and calculated it would be hours before
they got to the M’s and maybe days before this ended.
Every one called forward so far was able to produce a valid
Pennsylvania License and allowed to leave. About mid-morning a brief recess was
called, probably so these “judges” could go potty. Our lawyer stepped to the
center of the front and announced that anyone with a valid Driver’s License
with the same address as their voter registration could show it to the clerk
and go home. They would not lose their voting privileges. A long line formed, including yours truly, and
in several minutes I was back on the boiling streets headed home.
It was all a sham, an attempt to disfranchise the University
City population. A calculation had been made that most of these students would
have licenses from their hometown, not their college addresses, but the plotters
guessed wrong in most cases. They certainly miscalculated in my case.
Pennsylvania regulations said you had to be a resident of the district you
registered within for 30 days. Lois and I had waited out the 30 days. We were perfectly legal.

I had suddenly aware that I was scoping out the miniskirts flitting
about town, like a cat stalking a bird. There was always a group ensconced near the North American
Building, especially around lunchtime. My eye was always wandering over that way on the
chance the wind might blow. After all, I could get a break and catch a glimpse of panty.

I was turning into a bon vivant voyeur.
When we got back we all dove into the Marina’s swimming pool,
which is when we discovered Lois’ new suit went transparent when wet. Once in the water she was nearly naked. A few minutes out of the water it dried back to the opaque white.
So we discovered a couple of things. I was aroused by the
voyeur aspects of this and she was not particularly embarrassed; actually, she
seemed fine with the situation and now we knew she had some exhibitionist
This is probably a good place to explain about the mind and
sex. Lois is bipolar, although we did not realize it back in 1969. We knew she
suffered with long bouts of deep depression and we had also seen some examples
of paranoia, such as when she was so fearful that the little kids next door
were plotting to destroy our car, but we were in the dark about the manic
phases. One problem for those with depressive or Type 2 Bipolar is the
depressions are easily experienced, but not the mania. They often feel the
manic times are normal, partly because they generally feel good when having
them. Being up, even if a little crazy, is a lot better than being down in the
dark of depression.
During a manic episode the person may engage in risky sexual
behavior, which might partially explain her affair with the orderly. It is
quite common in mania to have a significantly heightened sex drive. A bipolar
person can become much more focused on sex and risky behavior than they
normally would.
We did not know about this possibility, that she was bipolar
and prone to manic attacks. I simply thought I was lucky to have a pretty wife
who would do all kinds of sexual things some wives wouldn’t, besides her lean
toward exhibitionism fit perfect with my voyeuristic tendencies.
Now explaining my sexual peculiarities is a different manner.
Maybe I was just insane.
I had some exhibitionism in myself. Not to where I wanted to
hide in bushes and jump out naked at people. I really didn’t want anyone to see
me naked, just as I hadn’t in junior high school, yet I had a tendency to put
myself on display, so to speak. I mean it was all a part of drawing attention,
like when I wore orange shoes. Nothing overly overt, but something that felt sexy
to me. This was generally wearing tight pants and no underwear.
I think I only had three pairs of pants, not counting the
suit I wore to work. I had a pair of blue soft cotton bell-bottom jeans,
probably my most comfortable and favorite wear. I often wore a pair of suede
bell-bottoms with a slight low-rider waist when we went to the concerts or
coffee houses . Finally, I had a white pair of dress pants.
It was in the white
pants that I had my own wardrobe malfunction that year. I had to deliver some
kind of package (no pun intended) to Evelyn’s place for Lois. I don’t remember
what it was at all. I drove to Evelyn’s home, where she lived alone with her
brood of dogs. I parked and then reached into the back seat to get the package
just as she came out of her house to greet me. As I stood up I heard a strange
sound and looking below I saw my zipper had ripped open, from the top to the
bottom. There was no way to repair the zipper. Not wearing underpants made the
whole situation somewhat worse, but it got more so.
She invited me to bring the package inside and then stay for
a cup of coffee. She said she had just gotten up and was making breakfast for
herself and the dogs. Her outfit was somewhat revealing. She had on a fluffy
robe over her nightgown and the bodice kept flapping open because it had no upper
buttons, just a waist tie. I could catch a fair view of her breasts when she

In the kitchen I quickly sat down and slid under the table.
We had our coffee and chatted, but my mind was distracted. I was wondering how
I would exit this situation. When that time came I was lucky enough that she
again took the lead and walked ahead of me to the front door. I hurried past
her and left, now my back toward her and my only concern being whether any
neighbors were peering out their windows, or a real dread, would someone come
walking past her house. None did and I jumped into my car and took off. It took
me a while to settle down.
These instances would lead to a change in Lois and my
relationship. Riskier sex was peeking over the horizon and sex was about to explode in the city as well.
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