We moved into Lansdowne Towers on August 1, 1971. This was quite an uptick for us. The place was new, clean and spacious, and no roaches. Despite the name, it was located in Aldan, Pennsylvania and was nearer Darby than Lansdowne. Maybe Lansdowne sounded more upscale than Darby. Ironically, it was just around the corner, perhaps a mile or so, from Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital.a place I would be working a few years down the future.
The walls were extremely well sound proofed, no more erotic
bathroom. Not that it mattered, our neighbors were not students, hippies and
prostitutes, either. We even had celebrity neighbors, Joe and Jimmy Watson,
defensemen for the Philadelphia Flyers. Jimmy, who went on to be inducted into
the Hockey Hall of Fame, lived in B Building. He was the younger brother by 11
years. Joe, who was one year younger than me, lived with his first wife, Mary
Ann, down the hall from us in A Building.

A more important meeting Lois had was on the Landowne Towers
shuttle bus. There she met a woman named Grace Stone and they struck up a
friendship. Soon Bill and Grace Stone became our closest friends and we
regularly socialized pretty much weekly from then until 1975.
One strange coincidence occurred when I paid my initial check at
Lansdowne Towers. The check bounced. This embarrassing situation was the second
time our check failed on paying an initial rent. Our first check had bounced when we moved to the Commodore. Neither
time was my fault. In the first instance, I had been paid on the Friday we made
the payment. The Teller at the bank got sick that day and went home early. She
placed her tray beneath her station and no one at the bank checked to see that
her till went into the system at closing. Therefore, my paycheck sat in the
dark of the counter over the weekend and was not discovered and processed until
Monday. Meanwhile, my rent check hit my account to be flagged for insufficient funds. I just had them redeposit after we found out what happened. The bank apologized and waved any fees.
It was a bit different at Lansdowne Towers. I came home and
found a note in the mailbox from the rental office saying my check had been returned
for insufficient funds. I walked down to the office completely confused as to why
this had happened. The rental agent handed me the returned check and I looked
it over. It hadn’t been returned for insufficient
funds; it had been returned because it had been sent to the wrong bank for collection by 1st
Pennsylvania, Lansdowne Tower’s bank. Instead of sending it to Lincoln
Bank in Philadelphia, it had been sent to a Lincoln Savings Bank somewhere. This was
easily fixed; I just wrote another check. It apparently got cleared properly
this time.
My troubles with cars
continued. Two months after buying a 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle, I had to take it up to Fitch’s Garage in Bucktown on
August 17 because the brakes weren’t working well. We were visiting my parents
while the car was being serviced and Lois went outside to jog around the back
field. Doing one of her laps she stepped in a hole and fell at the very rear near the woods injuring her foot.
She had to crawl back to the house on hands and knees because none of could see her plight from the house. We put on an icepack and hoped it was only a
sprain, but the swelling and pain continued into the next day. We took her to the
Phoenixville Hospital. She had broken some bones in her foot and they had to
put on a temporary cast. She was in a lot of pain. They gave her some
medicine and crutches.
We all decided it
was best for Lois to stay with my parents until she was able to get around. I borrowed my dad's Jeep Scout to go home. My car still wasn’t fixed on the 19th
and I came up to take my grandmother grocery shopping. Lois said her foot didn’t
hurt as much. On the 20th I finally got the Chevelle back. I drove
my grandmother to Cousin Everett Wilson;s to get tomatoes and eggs. Everett, like
most of the Wilson side of the family, was a farmer. That is him on the right with his wife and brood of children in 1968. I went back to Aldan. Lois was feeling better.
The photo of her in her cast (and very short mini dress) was taken at
my parents. I took my father’s Scout and went home.

King of Prussia Mall was big, but not yet as huge as it is today. Even then it was a mess to drive in that area. It was usually
On August 26 my
folks came to visit us, but they were lost for an hour on the way. Their visit
was short because Lois had to be taken back to hospital to have a permanent
cast put on. She hobbled about in that thing, but I think it was off by her
birthday in mid-October.
My dog, Cythia Wilmillar (Cindy), which I had left with my
parents when I got married, died the afternoon of October 15, Lois' birthday. She was 11 years
The photo is Cindy in 1971.
This Reverend Davies left off with a question:
“Why do you feel you should explain your decision? If that is where you find satisfaction, then why do you think you have to justify it to anyone? What even makes you believe it is anybody’s business what beliefs you hold? You have chosen your course, now that is your concern and not anyone else.”
I took these as rhetorical questions and left our conversation
with them in mind. Yet, after some days passed I decided to answer them in a
letter to Reverend Davies because our meeting had left me angry:
considerable thought, I have come to a decision about the question of my
spiritual comfort and to which church or religious interpretation I should
entrust my allegiance. I have come to the conclusion there is none. That is, if
I don’t claim out and out Atheism, I certainly admit to a deep-seated
your last questions and statement: “You have chosen your course, now that is your concern and not anyone else;”
this may be a truism, if this was another world, but this world is not so ideal
that one can declare a credo without raising some wrath, some wonderment, some
fears and some joy in others. Disbelief in an invisible god is not a popular
course. Anytime a person chooses for himself a stream outside the main river,
he will be questioned and berated for it. Therefore, it is necessary to give an
explanation of my decision, not because it is anyone else’s business, but
because it isn’t.
is another, perhaps tenuous reason to give you an explanation. Because you are
a man of God it must be your duty to concern yourself when anyone strays from
the religious establishment. If you would not ask why, would not care, would
not debate such a profession by a fellow human, then you would be guilty of
dereliction of your faith and calling. Your statement sort of symbolizes your
surrender of that concern.
On the
other hand, whereas I reject the legendary and mythological ideal of Judeo-Christianity
and would be free of showing concern for anyone except myself, taking here the
more common opinion toward the non-believer, you by tradition and expectation
must be immediately involved with your fellow man. If this were not so you
would do far more damage to your church and faith than any atheist or cynic
could ever do.
Our back and forth went on, this from my last communication
with Reverend Davies:
everything comes from my lack of religion, but still many times it seems the
established world is crumbling and mankind is digging in with his fingernail to
help it break. You know though, your self-satisfaction theory of belief may be
best, at least for some. I have tried to join three different churches, contacting
them and exacting pledges of indoctrination, then never hearing anything
else. I think you are doing the right things by your congregation, getting them
moving by the force of your personality, but what shall happen to the ‘Davies
Plan’ after your temporary leadership is dissolved and some other minister
assigned? I have seen it over and over at Bethel. A new man slamming down the
pillars his predecessor erected. Methodist Churches are too often a personality
cult with the congregation going up and down like a yo-yo as faces shift behind
the pulpit. I can’t help but say if there is to be churches they should be
strong and demanding and tied to some mystical dogma rather than some passing
But if
we can’t have a strong centralization in religion, then we just have to go for
your inner-revelation of the Bible as our only authority. Only in such a case,
their reality isn’t any need for any church or minister. If I must do ninety
percent of the work, I might as well do the other tenth too and save the tithe.
That last part, which may be difficult to understand out of context, came
about because when I met with Reverent Davies he finished our debate by saying,
“Everybody seated in these pews probably has a different belief, but it only matters
if they believe in something.” I didn’t believe in anything at the time, but it
seemed if you were heading up a church you wouldn’t want each parishioner
making up their own beliefs.
I was doing very well at Lincoln Bank. One day I was called
into the manager’s office and both my superiors were there. Was I in trouble? No, they wanted to ask me a favor. They
pointed to the office of the Assistant Treasurer. It was dark at the moment
because he was on vacation. They confided in me that they planned to
terminate the man, but they didn’t want to do that until someone learned
exactly what he did. They wanted me to be that someone.
It was very clandestine. I was to learn his job, but not
reveal what their plans were. He would be told I was just to learn things as a
backup. I was then promised that when they did push the ejection button, I
would be promoted to the Assistant Treasurer position and get his office. With
some misgivings, I accepted this espionage assignment.
The results of this undercover duty and the new people we would soon
befriend would have a great effect upon Lois and I into a darker path. Perhaps a precursor of what
was coming was my purchase of a Polaroid Land
I had always been a picture taker, but I was still doing it with a Kodak box camera. It was not so much the Polaroid allowed me to take more pictures. You didn’t have the development costs, but the film itself was expensive, you only got eight shots at a time and it was a messy process. You had to coat the print with this smelly liquid and let it dry. And the pictures tended to have a green tint to them if the weather was cold and they didn’t hold up well over time.
I had always been a picture taker, but I was still doing it with a Kodak box camera. It was not so much the Polaroid allowed me to take more pictures. You didn’t have the development costs, but the film itself was expensive, you only got eight shots at a time and it was a messy process. You had to coat the print with this smelly liquid and let it dry. And the pictures tended to have a green tint to them if the weather was cold and they didn’t hold up well over time.
However, they had a
couple of advantages. For one, you could see your shot right away because you
didn’t have to take it to a developer, wait two or three days and then find out
half your shots were fuzzy or blank or completely dark. That not having to take
the film to a developer was also the second advantage. You could now take
photographs you couldn’t before because some third party would see what you
took. This meant you could take nude photos. And we did, we certainly did.
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