I thought our
pregnancies were all in the past. When Lois loss the seventh child in 1975, she
claimed she had the doctors tie her tubes. It would just be us going forward. I
was settled with the idea of never being parents. Life was good as it was. I
was satisfied with my job and had an extended family at Laurel Hill Bible
Church. We were active, very active, extremely active youth ministers, so in a
way we had kids, about fifteen. The great advantage was we didn’t have to feed
them and clothe them. The money we made was our own and we could really enjoy
the good life. We had no debt, except an occasional car loan and no homeowner
responsibilities. We lived in a perfectly beautiful apartment and any repairs
were taken care of by management. We just had to pay the rent every month. The
only utility bill we had was electricity. Water, heat, trash pickup all came
with the lodging.

We had even had
money for some travel now We had been to Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota,
Illinois, Indiana and Iowa in the early seventies. In 1976 we headed south to
Tennessee, crossed that state and came back via Kentucky. I remember how crowded
the highway was that snaked through Gatlinburg, bumper to bumper traffic. We
stayed over in Knoxville and then down to Chattanooga. All along the highway
between those two cities were billboard saying, “See Ruby Falls”.

We got to one of the large thoroughbred horse farms. We also
toured the Jim Bean distillery. We had a motel in the same town and that
evening as we were walking in the town we saw a lady across the street collapse.
We hurried over and she was unconscious. I left Lois with her and knocked on
doors until a person answer and had them call the police. ) Did not have cell
phones in those days, and by that year only 17% of the United States was
serviced by 911. The home owner called a local number and soon ambulance and
police arrived. As they began attending to the lady, Lois and I just slipped
away and returned to the motel. I assume the lady was taken care of, but we
didn’t want any fuss made over us.

At the end of August of 1977, we took another trip during one
of my vacation weeks, making a tour of Central Pennsylvania. We had made a big
circle through the state and near the end of the tour we took a little tram
tour through one of the coal mines. After we come out of the ground, Lois
complained of not feeling very well. Back at the motel, she said she might be
pregnant. How? She claimed her tubes had been tied after the last pregnancy,
but she confessed she had lied. (She denies she ever said this today, but she
did.) We waited until after another month and she missed her period before
following up with her doctor.
It wasn’t I was concerned about the financial costs of my
wife’s pregnancy. We had excellent health insurance, paid for by my employer
and if history was any indicator, there would be no resulting child. And there
was the real concern, the wellbeing of my wife. She had been devastated by the
last baby loss, what would another loss do to her? Even worse, she was risking
her life. She had been through this too many times. how much more could her
body take?
That was her obstetrician’s stand as well. He had warned
before that she was risking her health and doctors had told her she could never
have a baby, it was impossible. He stood by those decisions now as he told her
she was indeed pregnant. to the point he would not take her case.
There was a doctor attending the church and he was able to
obtain a new obstetrician. On October 3 I called my parents to tell them Lois
was again expecting. On October 6 she was once again in a hospital being sewn
up, a cervical cerclage to hopefully prevent a premature birth…maybe. We’d been
down this road before. She came home from the operation on the ninth, then on
the tenth was right back to the hospital. She had a reaction to the spinal they
had given her.

However, the church understood our history and plight. A
prayer group formed and met weekly to pray for Lois and the baby. Some of the women brought us meals occasionally or helped with the cleaning. My parents were down on November 1 with dinner and they did our laundry.
Off and on I ran Lois to the doctor, those were her big
outings. On Christmas, my parents came
over and brought the whole turkey dinner with them I was sick, really
miserable. My parents were over again on December 27 to take Lois to the doctor
since I was still ill. They brought me soup and juice. And so the weeks went.
On January 29 my father brought me snow tires already mounted on wheels since I
had been unable to find any in Jersey. Everyone was sold out.
On February 3 my
cousin Little Francy’s wife Carol, gave birth to their first child, a girl they
named Kelly (left).
That winter was brutal, cold and windy with occasional rain
or snow. This was the case on February 26 when Lois told me to take her to the
hospital. She was in her dreaded fifth month. I drove her through the night
snowfall to John F. Kennedy Hospital in Stratford, New Jersey, perhaps the
longest 4 and a half miles I ever drove.
She was immediately
admitted and placed in a labor room. I sat in the room with her all night until 4:30 AM. They were giving her an IV to retard any labor. She was complaining of the pain she was in. The doctor asked us if they could try a new drug, it was still experimental, but they thought it would strength the baby’s lungs. They said it was something called steroids.
I called my parents the morning of the 28th. Lois
was still in pain. They had taken some of the stitches out and told me the baby
might be born at any time. I called the hospital that evening after getting
home from work, but nothing had happened yet.
I got the call early
Tuesday morning of March 1, 1978. The baby, a girl, had been born at 4:00 AM. Lois
had a hard time with the delivery. The baby didn’t need to be spanked, she came
out howling, protesting leaving her cozy place in the womb. Who knows, maybe it
was Roid Rage. She weighted 5 pounds 1 ounce and was 17 inches long. She had a
head full of dark brown hair. We named her Laurel Christine.
She was quite premature and they placed her in an Isolette.
My parents came down
on March 4. Lois had come home from the hospital at 9:45 in the morning, but
Laurel had to stay there. She had lost weight since her birth and wouldn’t be
released until she gained back up to 5 pounds.
My parents came down and we all went to the hospital to see the baby.
She was still in the Isolette and would remain there for a while. She was all
long legs and arms.
They took her out of the isolette on March 7 and placed her
in a crib, but she was still in some danger. She was sleeping more and had lost
more weight.
The hospital called
us on March 14 and said we should bring some clothes for the baby. She had
finally reached 5 pounds and we could take her home. We came in and they handed
her to Lois. We had to dress her before they would allow us to leave. We didn’t
have a clue how. The nurses stood about laughing at our attempts to put clothes
on Laurel. Even the newborn outfits were too large and she kept squirming and
kicking and waving her arms about. She was as easy to handle as a greased eel.
After a long time of wrestling, we did get her dressed and at last placed her
in a baby seat in our car and took her home.
A miracle had
happened against all odds and we had a living, breathing child. It was for
those faithful who prayed at church that we named her Laurel, after Laurel Hill Bible. We gave her the middle name of Christine, which is French for “follower of Christ”, because Christ was central in our lives.
Lois said she had her tubes tied after Laurel was born.
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