The report had a summary page of the Medical Center as a whole, then breakouts by each hospital and finally sections on every cost center.Each portion consisted of a listing of all cost categories with columns comparing actual to budget for the particular month and for the totals year-to-date. Most of the lines did not change a bit month-to-month, but all the number data did. It required a complete retyping of everything each month.
With the use of the Wang processor I could program in all the boilerplate and only the numbers had to be updated. I would write the new number in on the previous report and Sue would enter them into the Wang and it did all the formatting and printing. It saved a ton of time, and error, and I could utilize Sue in other ways, especially in increasing the analysis of the data so we could help units improve and stay on top of their expenditures.

I had started improving communications with the various managers the prior year, now I
went around to every cost center again in January and emphasized I was there to help
them with budgeting and that a packet would be coming to them in
February. We were going to start the process as early as possible. I put
together the plan and packet and hand delivered it myself, clearly (I hoped)
explaining it to each and every manager.
First of all, I
discovered the nurses were not big fans of the doctors. These women (there were
no male nurses at MCMC that I’m aware of in 1979) felt the doctors took them
for granted, which was true. The nurses felt they spent more time with and
treating the patients than the doctors did, which was also true. But the doctors
ran the wards as their own little fiefdoms and the nurses and
orderlies as serfs, who should snap to at the doctor’s orders and never, ever
question anything. The nurses felt the doctors’ arrogance made them susceptible
to sloppy work and error. And of course there was a great discrepancy between
what nurses were paid and what doctors earned. Despite all this, the nurses
still held a good bit of power at the Medical Center, so I didn’t want to cross
them. If they turned against me they would have made my life hell.
The doctors themselves were like a bunch of spoiled children
when it came to budgeting, all yelling, "I want, I want, I want" or “If he can
have it, why can’t I”.

Hospitals consist of many different disciplines of care, oncology, cardiology, pediatrics, orthopedics and so on and so forth. Some, perhaps all, need some sort of equipment beyond a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. Equipment can range from a CT Scan to an EKG Monitor and the individual prices stretch from several thousand, maybe even up to a million, dollars and just a few hundred. For instance, a hospital bed can run from around $600 to over $3,000, and certain treatment beds can exceed $13,000. A CT Scanner can cost $2.5 million and a MRI Machine as much as $270 million. Both these were relatively new developments when I was in the medical industry. The first CT Scan was in 1971 and the MRI was 1977. I'm certain MCMC did not yet have any MRIs and I don't know about the CT Scanner.

Hospitals consist of many different disciplines of care, oncology, cardiology, pediatrics, orthopedics and so on and so forth. Some, perhaps all, need some sort of equipment beyond a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. Equipment can range from a CT Scan to an EKG Monitor and the individual prices stretch from several thousand, maybe even up to a million, dollars and just a few hundred. For instance, a hospital bed can run from around $600 to over $3,000, and certain treatment beds can exceed $13,000. A CT Scanner can cost $2.5 million and a MRI Machine as much as $270 million. Both these were relatively new developments when I was in the medical industry. The first CT Scan was in 1971 and the MRI was 1977. I'm certain MCMC did not yet have any MRIs and I don't know about the CT Scanner.
In our capital budget meeting where doctors would state
equipment they hoped to buy in the next fiscal period things could get testy.
The chief of cardiology might say he wanted something costing $100,000. He might even give
very valid reasons why this was required. Therefore, we might list it on the submissions
list. Immediately, I would have several other physicians clamoring for an
equipment budget of $100,000 as well. I might know that for one or more of
these departments there was nothing in that range they needed, but
because one doctor got $100,000 they thought they were equally entitled.
This type of grasping was even from jealousy directed toward other hospitals.
This type of grasping was even from jealousy directed toward other hospitals.
In one case, a doctor requested a very expensive and very
specialized machine that only had application in fairly rare cases. It hardly
justified the cost of purchase, but before someone hit me with the old "if we can save one life
isn't it worth any cost" bromide (and I would even argue that concept with you) this was not a
matter of putting a limit on the value of a life. There was a Philadelphia
Hospital that had this particular equipment and specialized in that affliction.
All such cases in the region were sent there and were so rare that it could adequately
handle any and all sufferers. There was no call for a second hospital to compete for
these type of patients. He simply wanted the equipment because someone else in
his field had one.
The biggest challenge was the upper administration. I am not
talking about people like Jim Schlief or any other secular manager of high
title; I am speaking of the nuns who actually owned and operated the medical
center. They too got to make requests and in the end would certainly have the final sign off on the budget. During this period they got it in their minds that the
hospital needed a helicopter
and a heliport. Why? Again, because some other area hospitals had helicopters
and heliports. It was sort of a glamour of it thing.
Low cost transport helicopters today can cost a million dollars. They may have been cheaper in 1979-80, but they were still highly expensive, plus you required pilots, insurance, maintenance and fuel. The vast majority of people could be gotten to the hospital just fine by ambulance. If someone was in such dire distress that a helicopter was their only hope there were area hospitals they could be flown to. Ours did not have to join those so equipped. It was not financially feasible and could have led to insolvency.
Low cost transport helicopters today can cost a million dollars. They may have been cheaper in 1979-80, but they were still highly expensive, plus you required pilots, insurance, maintenance and fuel. The vast majority of people could be gotten to the hospital just fine by ambulance. If someone was in such dire distress that a helicopter was their only hope there were area hospitals they could be flown to. Ours did not have to join those so equipped. It was not financially feasible and could have led to insolvency.
With this or any expenditure you received two responses from
the nuns. “It is for the patients” or “We’re a non-profit, we don’t have to
worry about cost.”
Yes, sometimes you spend extra money for the benefit of the patients; however, the patients did not need a helicopter. That money would best serve the patients by not being spent on such an ostentatious item.
Yes, sometimes you spend extra money for the benefit of the patients; however, the patients did not need a helicopter. That money would best serve the patients by not being spent on such an ostentatious item.
As to this being non-profit, it was very difficult getting
them to understand this didn’t mean you did not have to concern yourself with
expenditures. True, you did not have owners or stockholders you had to please
by the profit you generated, but you had to make a profit anyway. We didn’t
call it a profit, of course, and it didn’t go into a Capital Account, it went into
Reserve. Yeah, you could break even and you could carry a deficit, but what if
you needed emergency funds or expansion? Prices do go up and funding sometimes goes
down and you must have some money to operate. You don’t want to have to borrow
a lot and build up liabilities. Being a non-profit does not mean throwing away
good business practices. I would often ask, "If you want that, what are you willing to give up." Naturally they weren't willing to give up anything. I pointed out if they got something like a helicopter then someday they would have to give up something else, and it could be the hospital.

I did have a budget in place for the new fiscal year on time,
something they told me hadn’t happened in a decade. We were running a decent
department, I felt. We were communicating, which the cost center managers liked
and being on time with the budgets. Our monthly budget reports were coming out
sooner in the month thanks to the Wang Processor. Going into 1980 everything
was coming up roses again.
My grandmother worked for Dr. An Wang's Wang Labs in the 1970's in Lowell MA. I've got a charm bracelet granny gave me that she received from the company after so many years of service there. It's got a little word processor keyboard charm on it. lolz
Wow...interesting stuff, Larry!
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