
Saturday, September 7, 2019


 Lois and I went grocery shopping last Tuesday (9/3). It was a struggle even though we took turns. Gizelle was happy because she could grab my chair. Lois and  arrived one exhausted. We just had to bring the stuff inside.

I didn't make it.

I fell carrying a 24-pack of water in. I must learn not to try and move heavy things. I fell at the first step and tumbled over the case. This skinned my knees up. and I tumbled over the water eating one my nose.  Now I didn't walk like  a drunk. I had the red nose to go with it.

Worst of all, I couldn't get up. Yes, I had fallen and couldn't get up I lay like a turtle in the sun.

Somehow I managed to stomach crawl near the door where I could bang for Lois' attention.  It got her attention, but she couldn't life me up. I feared she would fall as well.  She called out pastor, but he had no transportation. He was the only personI could think pf who would have been strong enough to get me up.  Somehow I managed to get up that one step and inside, but still could not get any further.   I lay there praying and finally found the strength to drag myself up one of the stair steps by grabbing the banisters. This got me to me feet and I made it to my chair.  I told the Physician Therapist who came Wednesday. He said he would have to report in to my doctor, which he did. Now the Dept of Aging people are coming to see Lo and I this coming Thursday. You con't want this disease.


  1. Your fortitude amazes me. I'm a few years behind you but know the feeling of sporadic weakness and inability to get back up after falling. I don't have AlS, but COPD, Asbestosis, dodgy heart and am recovering from throat cancer --that I might enjoy my other illnesses without distraction. Your example is an inspiration of spirit over challenges and I can't thank you enough for posting it.

  2. Read your latest post today. Reminds me of what I did several months ago. I had a box load of books that I was taking to my car and had to go down our fairly steep back steps. The load was too heavy for me to carry so I decided to turn around and backwards and bump the box down the steps--big mistake. somehow, I lost my balance and fell backward. The next thing that I knew I was flat on my back looking up at the bright blue sky and lovely white clouds! I couldn't get up!!I lay there like a 65+ year old turtle. There was absolutely nothing for me to grab a hold of to hoist myself up. I called out and called out to my (hard of hearing) husband who was in the house. Finally he heard me. I had him bring me his walker outside and together we managed to get me up. I was pretty sore for a week or so but nothing was really hurt except for my dignity. I can sincerely empathize with your fall dilemma and hope that you are doing much better this month. Regards, Penny S.

  3. Lar,
    It breaks my heart to see you with these problems. You are amazing though, even in your problems you still have a sense of humor ("I lay like a turtle"). Humor will get us through the travails of old age, All part of life.


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