
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Rehab: Hospital, Jail, Insane Asylum 1


There I was, taking a nap in the early afternoon. I Woke up feeling a bit lost; like where am I. I called to Lois, so I wasn’t completely out of it. I told her to call Bayada, our home care people. She did, and next think I know there is an ambulance in our drive and two people in uniform standing over me, 

They picked me up and plopped me on a gurney and took me outside to be loved up. My neighbor, from two doors down wa the to help. One inside I was whisked way to Wilmington Hospital. All I had were the clothes on my back.  I was admitted to a room where there was some old guy, like I’M young. I am now into my 8oth year. The way this man acted and spoke I thought he was older than me, but apparently he was about 10 years younger.

He was crying out the whole time, but then they took him out and I got a new roommate. I couldn’t see him on the other side of the curtain between us, but I could see someone sitting guard the whole time.

I could also hear conversations with him.

He was there because he had smashed his glass crack pipe and swallowed the pieces.  Yum! This was my neighbor for the next two days. Fortunately he slept most of the time, but it me me nervous that we had a guard day an night..

They gave me enough tests. First was a Cat Scan, then a full body X-ray.  Finally they gave me an MRI of my head. That meant they put a cage about my head then stuffed me in one of those tubes. I don’t like MRIs. The last time I had such I went to pieces, so they injected some drug in my I.V.  (Hospitals love giving people an I.V. and I hate needles.) They couldn’t get it in my arm, for some reasons, sAna stuck it on  the back pf my hand.

Anyway, it was something to keep me calm. It wasn’t so bad, because there was a scop.e in the thing that let you see the Brandywine Bridge. It made it less claustrophobic.

I went back to my room add they said I had stoke. They didn’t know what caused it.  Then the next day I was whisked away to rehab…and so it began,

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