Banner photo of Larry Eugene Meredith, Ronald Tipton and Patrick Flynn, 2017.

The good times are memories
In the drinking of elder men...

-- Larry E.
Time II

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Rehab: Hospital, Jail, Insane Asylum 3


The therapists had been in and shown me how to transfer from my bed to my wheelchair and wheel about the room.  I, always foolish I guess, wanted to see if I could get along on my own. I did the transfer to chair and wheeled about and got my confidence up. That evening I felt the urge to go and decided I would not buzz for a bedpan, but see if I couldn't make it to the toilet myself.  I did the transfer and wheeled down an to into the bathroom just fine.  Now to transfer from chair to toilet.  Ha!  I Moved to the front of the facility just fine. I then amazed to stand upright using the grab bar along the way and trim to turn to sit.

    I didn't quiet make it. I lost my balance and fell forward into the chair.  Of course, by now you know what was hitting the fan, or at least the floor. I landed face down on the chair and it did a backward wheeling and went over. My head hit the door pretty hard.  I tried to get up, but couldn't.  I struggled to crawl to the help rope and pull it.

     An aird came it and gasped to the mess I had made. She looked at my face snd said I looked like a Klingon with the big bump my head. She.called for more help and two other aides came in. The first aide checked me and then they lifted me to my feet, cleaned me up and got me back into my bed with the strength warning not to get up without calling for asstance. The first aide then went back to undeniable not pleasant job of cleaning the bathroom.

      I did not attempt to set out on my own after that.

      I was in quarantine for 14 days, during which I had my first Corona Virus test, and it proved negative. I still had to wear a mask if they took me out of the room for such things as weighing or a shower. I hated that initial shower. An aide rolled me to the shower roomie my wheelchair. There she had me strip naked and then pushed me into the shower stall on a small plastic stool. She was pretty rough washing me and I was very uncomfortable. I swore I wasn't going through that torture again. I'd stay dirty.

After 14 days I was moved into the general prisoner...that is, patient population.


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