
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Rehab: Hospital, Jail, Insane Asylum 2

  Here we go back in ambulance.  This one took we on a short trip to Rehab on Silverside. The paramedic unload me and the grey and we took a ride down some halls. Do you know what the scenery is on a gurney?  Mostly ceiling. Occasionally a shadowy figure goes by. Not much more, unless you peek down and see your feet.  They took me n a room, then one-two three, they lifted up up bottom sheet and plopped me on a bed.

       I was to spend the next 14 days in this room and bed. I was in quarantine!I There were some rules. I was not to try and get out of bed without assistance and if taken out in the hall for any reason, I had to wear a mask. I didn't have to wear my mask in the room.  Someone popped in and took my vital signs.  This would happen several times a day, day and night. Th porcupine, as I called her, came in and took some of my blood.  She pulled her equipment in a.Snap-0n Took case.  Her shirt read, "Don't get excited, I'm only interested in your veins."

      A aide came around and swaddled me in a diaper. She left me a urinal, which was a plastic bottle with a lid. An aide was suppose to envy this every once and a while; otherwise it got so full that when you trying to use it, cold urine went all over you.  Not pleasant! You had to a call for a bedpan for the other bodily function.

      I was by the window and could look out at th tree tops.

      It was difficult to sleep because there were always light us and noice. Someone was always coming it to take those vital signs.  They had to make sure you were alive.  The third day the therapists began arriving. Then the fun began.

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