
Friday, November 6, 2020

Mt Artistic Friends ver the Years Part 23; Tracey L.

There were three of us who created th, writers' group called "Soon to be Famous".  Thee was myself, Frank Adkins and Tracey Landmann.

Tracey had become the facilitator of the writers group at Barnes & Nobles, succeeding me. and many of our "Soon to be Famous" group meetings were held in her home.

Tracey was not only a talented writer, but was also a painter of some Delaware note.  The painting that opens thus Post was done by her.

Tracey' story is a amazing one.

She is on the Brain Injure Association of Delaware" board. And for good reason, As a teenager she suffered  severe brain trauma when a tfree fell on her head. Fortunately she was in a swimming pool when it happened and that cushioned the blow; otherwise she would have been killed.  As it was, she had t learn to talk and to walk all over again.

     Despite this, she went and graduated college, held some important positions and has had her art work displayed around.

That is Tracey of the left meeting with another at the Brain Injury Association.

On the right is Tracey at one of our "Soon to be Famous" group[ get-togethers.

The painting of boats at anchor was done by her.

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