
Friday, November 6, 2020

My Artistic Friends Over the Years Part 24: Frank A.

 The other founder of the "Soon to be Famous" writers group was Frank Adkins.  In a ay, Frank was already a "famous" writer churning out a number of Do-It-Yourself boss on cars. especially Chryslers. but Frank wanted to progress as a fiction author, so he came to the writers' group that met regularly at Barnes & Nobles. 

That is where he met Tracey Landmann and myself. He and I sort of quickly bonded into a friendship, and even today I keep in touch with him. Wish we lived closer so we could get together physically, but he lives down in Lower Delaware.  

Frank was a mechanic when we met, but since then he has become a professor teaching automotive engineering at Delaware Tech. Here is what he writs about himself on Amazon: "I am a life-long Chrysler enthusiast. I began working on cars when I was fourteen, and by the time I was sixteen I had completed my first automatic to manual transmission conversion. I completed two more before graduating high school. After high school I attended Automotive Training Center in Exton, PA (graduated in 1985), Delaware Technical Community College (AAS Degree in Automotive Technology, 1997), and Wilmington University (B.S. Degree to be completed in 2016). I have been an ASE certified Master Technician since 1986 and spent many years working as an auto mechanic/technician and shop foreman. My first technical article appeared in the August 1992 issue of Classic Auto Restorer, and since then my work has appeared in half a dozen national publications. I published Chrysler Performance Upgrades in 1999, How To Build High Performance Chrysler Engines in 2001 (both CarTech books) and a novel, Jack Kramer's Journey in 2006. In 2003 I began teaching Automotive Technology at Delaware Technical Community College part-time, and I have taught there full-time since 2011. From 2006-2011 I also taught Automotive Technology at Caroline Career and Technology Center, a technical high school in Ridgely, MD. I competed twice in the Cannonball One Lap of America (1998 and 1999), I auto cross regularly with the Brandywine Motorsport Club, and I drag race a few times a year. My wife and I enjoy participating in activities with several car clubs. We have two grown children and three grandchildren."

     When I first met him he had thick and curly red hair. Since then the hair has thinned and is more grey than red.  Of course, I met him almost 20 years ago, nd we do age.Although he has put out more automotive books, he has also succeeded as a fiction author. You can find and purchase his novel, Jack Kramer's Journey on Amazon.

I had the privilege of reading his novel in manuscript form and was lucky enough to get a first printing autographed by him. The cover shown here was the revised printing of the book.

      Since I knew him when, back in our "Soon to be Famous" days I had an in. We did socialize outside the group and he attended the Edgar Allan Poe presentation at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Fair with my wife and daughter on year. This picture was taken o Frank by me at one o those meetings.

Here is the original edition cover of his novel and his inscription to me in it. he dedication in the book is to Krissie, who is his wife. She's a car enthusiast, too.


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