Perhaps not many people remember the TV show, “I Led 3 Lives”. It was a popular drama from 1951 through 1953 based on the life of Herbert
Philbrick, played by actor Richard Carlson. Philbrick was an advertising man,
who joined the Communist Party to become a FBI informant.

I finished the semester with a 3.50 average. It was History
that pulled me down; I only received a C. This probably appears ironic, since I
am something of a history lover, but during those turbulent times many professors were admitted Marxists. They had heavily infiltrated the History
Department and I kept getting them. They had an agenda and it certainly wasn’t
to make Capitalism look good. Several professors had become instructors as a
means of escaping the draft and Vietnam. Since they had their degree anyway; it
was cheaper than moving to Canada.

We had one such outspoken young Feminist in our American Society classes. American Society was part of my major curriculum of Sociology and was exactly what its name implied, a study of American Society. She was an interrupter, a constant disputer of the teacher and always asking questions all ready answered. At every opportunity she would climb upon her soapbox and I was surprised she didn't literary climb upon her desk, one foot on the seat and the other on the desktop like Joan of Ark leading her army into battle.
As the weeks passed she became more insistent that women really should run everything, except a home. Her reasoning was simple. Women outlived men because men got strokes and heart attacks.
She thus posted the question, “What do you think would happen if women took over?”
I answered, “Then they would be the ones getting the strokes
and heart attacks and dying early.”
I had a tendency in those days (me on the right, 1970) of getting myself in trouble
speaking the truth, and the truth would be as women moved up in areas once reserved only for men the gender gap in death began to narrow. In 1970 women lived about 4 years longer than men on average; by 2010 this was closer to 2 years. Women in that time frame have made many inroads into the so called “man’s world”. Historically women have always outlived men and it is still true, which one can see if they visit any co-ed nursing home, but the gap is narrowing and as women continue to not only move into traditional pressure jobs held by men as well as jobs that present a lot of physical danger we will most likely see the gap shrink even further.
This has nothing to do with superiority; it has to do with commonsense. I have two daughters and I raised them to pursue whatever job they wished and never doubted they could do it.
speaking the truth, and the truth would be as women moved up in areas once reserved only for men the gender gap in death began to narrow. In 1970 women lived about 4 years longer than men on average; by 2010 this was closer to 2 years. Women in that time frame have made many inroads into the so called “man’s world”. Historically women have always outlived men and it is still true, which one can see if they visit any co-ed nursing home, but the gap is narrowing and as women continue to not only move into traditional pressure jobs held by men as well as jobs that present a lot of physical danger we will most likely see the gap shrink even further.
This has nothing to do with superiority; it has to do with commonsense. I have two daughters and I raised them to pursue whatever job they wished and never doubted they could do it.
I did two long papers for the course. One was completely up
to the pupil and I wrote “Fallacy of Higher Education”, which argued that not everybody
did needed a college education and pushing every one into college simply diluted the quality of the education and would result in a lot of frustrated graduates. It is so much fun to attack the necessity of the institution you are striving to have approve your work. I stand by my positions in that paper, and in
others I wrote considered anti-higher education, even more so today. We need a complete overhaul of the education system.
My other paper was assigned and was on the Military-Industrial Complex.
My other paper was assigned and was on the Military-Industrial Complex.
to be another one of those easy to ace courses, and it proved to be, not like Economic History of the United States that I had taken earlier. I enjoyed the course and over the length I built my record collection with a progression of Classical Albums from Haydn and Bach to that of a new and then unknown composer named Anthony Lloyd Webber. (Right is Anthony Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice in 1970.) One of the last pieces of the last class was “Jesus Chris Superstar” and our Professor only introduced it because in his opinion this composer had a future. It was unknown at the time.
My favorite subject was English Composition 9e. We had to
read three novels and analyze them, Joseph Conrand’s Lord Jim; Ken Kesey’s One
Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest and Saul Bellow’s
Henderson the Rain King, but the most important aspect of the class was the
writing of a Term Paper on some American literary light. Well, you know me, where others chose William
Faulkner, Tom Wolfe, Ernest Hemmingway and so forth; I presented as my
proposal, H. P. Lovecraft (Left).
I don’t think the Professor was enamored by my choice, in fact he didn't think I could pull it off, but he
okayed it. Now as the end of 1970 fast approached in was near time for a final
draft and presentation. Someone in the class asked how many pages it should be.
The Professor said he expected at last 12 pages. The person who asked the
question groaned at that length. My own initial draft was already a bit longer.
Here is how I described it to Joe Rubio in a November 3 letter:
of school, there is only a couple more
weeks this semester. The twenty-first is my last class, but that one is Music. We turned in our term papers for English last Wednesday evening. I hope I get a good mark. Man, I put in a lot of work. My original was 87 pages long including everything.
weeks this semester. The twenty-first is my last class, but that one is Music. We turned in our term papers for English last Wednesday evening. I hope I get a good mark. Man, I put in a lot of work. My original was 87 pages long including everything.
I received about this time notification that the latest story
I had submitted to Robert A. W. Lowndes for “Magazine of Horror” had been
accepted. But then I heard nothing further, did not receive a check and my
future submissions were also not acknowledged. I did not know the fate of my
story, “Conjured” until many decades later, thanks to the internet.

The year ended
rather domestically. We had Thanksgiving dinner with Lois’ dad at Ingleneuk Tea
House in Swarthmore. It was a quiet, cozy, sedate dining establishment. It
didn’t serve alcohol and nothing particular fancy about the food, just kind of
establishment American. Some people have described it as “almost like eating in
a retirement home.”

In those years we
had Thanksgiving with Lois’ father and Christmas with my folks. (Left, Lois and I at my parents on Christmas, 1970.)
home for the holiday, but he seemed a more subdued Joe when he arrived home. They threw a large party at his home for him, but he kind of hung back from the frivolity much of the evening. He seemed somewhat morose. In his letter of December 10 he talked of the short time he had left in the service and of coming home soon for good.
now I sometimes look back at all the things I’ve done while in the service.
Some are good memories, some not so good, but one thing for sure, I’ve learned
a lot in my two years. So when I do get
out, I won’t miss the Army, but at the same time I won’t feel bitter about
having to spend two years of valuable time in the Army.
Actually, there would be some bitterness and it wouldn’t be
until sometime later I learned of the things “not so good”; the things he never
put in his letters. Meanwhile, as December waned and the New Year approached,
we lost our apartment heat.
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