Earth Day, the celebrated birthday of the Cult of Global Warming, began in April 1970 and was honored in many cities, mostly by college students who swallowed the clamor and dire warnings that we would all be dead from pollution by 1990. At that time I was as hooked in as any other local radical, as this chapter will show. The most successful of the launches of Earth Day occurred in Philadelphia and actually comprised the dates April 16 through the 22nd and was known as Earth Week. So successful was Earth Week that when Walter Cronkite hosted the CBS Special on Earth Day a good segment of it focused on Philadelphia. (By the way Ira Einhorn, who claimed he founded Earth Day was nowhere mentioned in this mostly propaganda film.) Here are links to the three part Philadelphia Earth Week story as told in that coverage. (By the way none of the dire
predictions made in the initial Earth Day presentations came true and apparently we have survived beyond 1990, although those who froth at the feet of Al Gore continue to predict the demise of human kind and the world we know to be imminent within the next ten years, over and over every ten years. Remember in 2000 we were told by the experts that by 2015 our children would not even know what snow was? Anyway, I suggest you view the videos if you can fine the time.)
predictions made in the initial Earth Day presentations came true and apparently we have survived beyond 1990, although those who froth at the feet of Al Gore continue to predict the demise of human kind and the world we know to be imminent within the next ten years, over and over every ten years. Remember in 2000 we were told by the experts that by 2015 our children would not even know what snow was? Anyway, I suggest you view the videos if you can fine the time.)
We wrote about a
character well-known around the underground scene in 1970, one Ira Einhorn and we mentioned his claim of being the founder of Earth Day, a bit of an exaggeration. If you were to watch the video at the beginning of this portion, which contains the CBS Walter Cronkite coverage of Earth Week in Philadelphia, you won’t hear Einhorn’s name mentioned once, even though he did host the big rally in Fairmont Park on the first Earth Day.
This was Earth Week,
April 16-22, 1970, in Philadelphia, which culminated on April 22 with the very
first Earth Day.
If you should watch the video, as I think you should, you
will find there was a student committee, mostly from Penn (gee, Donald Trump missed his opportunity to lead; he graduated from Penn in 1968), that was responsible for Earth Week. This committee needed funds to pull it off, so they struck a Devil’s bargain with their enemy, the industries they had named
as the 10 top polluters in Philly. The industrialists, which actually included
the city, ponied up funding and Thatcher Longstreth (future Philadelphia Mayor) handed them a big check when the committee agreed there would be no
embarrassing demonstrations or protests at the student's targeted industries, especially
since the events in Philly that week were going to receive network TV coverage.

The committee did not fully live up to that agreement, even though the business and city did fork over the money. There was protest and demonstrations at various pollution sites across the city and Lois and I were along for the ride; quite literally. This was the Philadelphia Pollution Trail Bus Tour, which brings us back to where we started, standing on a gravelly back lane at such places as Philadelphia Coke Works with an eclectic group of college students, Yippies and blue-collar neighborhood hausfraus singing at dusty hard working men,

We, my wife and I and several dozen others, stood atop a flattened mound of crushed cinder pretending to be a road. It was as black as Ira Einhorn's soul. Six feet from us rippled a brown puddle of water twice that distance wide. Beyond the cinder and puddle was a rusting wire fence eight feet high holding the public out. Men were busy working inside the fence. They were black men mostly, I think. They were so caked with the dust about them it was hard to tell. They were working in the soggy discharge of a society they did not belong to. They were sweating on a beautiful spring Saturday morning at a job you or I would never want or ever seek. And we stood on the gravel lane singing at them, as if they were responsible for the waste in our land. We sang:
have to make people aware,” was the stated purpose of the Pollution Trail tour.
It was to show the people the dustbins and sludge pots of our city and tell how
the courts had stalled, and how the city fathers have stalled, and how the
industry leaders have stalled. It was to show the people the hypocrisy of the
top ten polluters in Philadelphia, who had cleaned their lots and worked double
shifts the day before the tour so they would not be pumping poison in our air
when we came to see it.
the people on the buses were already aware. Some had a cause, like the ladies
from Bridesburg. Some were camp followers, like the boys who kept pushing
through the crowd toward the TV cameras. Yet some were concerned and felt
silly, rather than informed, after the tour. The long-informed did not come to
sing ineffective song parodies to men who have suffered more than they. Those
long concerned wondered where everyone had been before Earth Week. Where were
the politicians now touting clean air and water and the preservation of our
flora and fauna a few years ago when conservationists were called softhearted
liberals? Where were the Pollution Trail leaders and Bridesburg ladies and
aroused students in 1958 when Mayra Mannes wrote More in Anger? Where
were they in 1960 when Vance Packard wrote The Waste Makers? Where were
they in 1962 when Rachel Carson was being smeared as un-American for writing Silent
were all there this week, gathering in masses in the parks to hear the politicians, and riding buses to blame our problems on the industries. True, the industries are to blame. But so are we. We support the industries. In fact, we demand the industries. And attacking the industries will not solve our problems, for in truth, we need the industries.
One more thing, I wrote a short story based on the voting
thing also called, “Toward Last November”. It is included in my book of short stories based on my life during the ‘sixties titled, “Keep All the Animals Warm”. Although in the story this voting scam causes “Frank March”, the main character, to feel ready to leave the city, not quite so much with his real life counterpart. We didn’t consider a move from the city until the Summer of ’72, and it was for an entirely different reason.
Once there were trees and a river
There we stood, a motley band of people singing this song by Travis
Edmonson (left), a semi-obscure country singer/songwriter from Arizona (Died 2009).
To answer that we have to back up a few months from where we
last left off.

He obviously had to
have some influence with the committee because this was an important event;
anything going on that included a speech by Senator Edmund Muskee and such luminaries as Allen Ginsberg and Ralph Nader, was a big deal. On the right is the younger , pre-trunk murderer Ira Einhorn hosting the Fairmount Park Rally. (Right, Senator Muskee speaking to the Fairmount Park Crowd.)

The committee did not fully live up to that agreement, even though the business and city did fork over the money. There was protest and demonstrations at various pollution sites across the city and Lois and I were along for the ride; quite literally. This was the Philadelphia Pollution Trail Bus Tour, which brings us back to where we started, standing on a gravelly back lane at such places as Philadelphia Coke Works with an eclectic group of college students, Yippies and blue-collar neighborhood hausfraus singing at dusty hard working men,
Once there were trees and a river
Once there was grass where you stand…

We, my wife and I and several dozen others, stood atop a flattened mound of crushed cinder pretending to be a road. It was as black as Ira Einhorn's soul. Six feet from us rippled a brown puddle of water twice that distance wide. Beyond the cinder and puddle was a rusting wire fence eight feet high holding the public out. Men were busy working inside the fence. They were black men mostly, I think. They were so caked with the dust about them it was hard to tell. They were working in the soggy discharge of a society they did not belong to. They were sweating on a beautiful spring Saturday morning at a job you or I would never want or ever seek. And we stood on the gravel lane singing at them, as if they were responsible for the waste in our land. We sang:
bless every birth,
lose your soul
birth control,
you’ll soon lose the earth.
was a new version of “America the Beautiful” concocted by the Philadelphia
Earth Week Committee. Two carloads of teenage boys drove through the puddle and
splashed we singers. The cameras and the mikes of the CBS News crew following
our bus caught it all.
(Left is Allen Ginsberg at the Philadelphia Earth Week events, 1970. )
A little later, several Pollution Trail buses and trucks pulled to a stop behind each other outside the boundary of Philadelphia Coke. Rose Owens, resident of Bridesburg, gave a brief speech. Housewives milled about hanging signs on the wire fence.
A little later, several Pollution Trail buses and trucks pulled to a stop behind each other outside the boundary of Philadelphia Coke. Rose Owens, resident of Bridesburg, gave a brief speech. Housewives milled about hanging signs on the wire fence.
your baby smoke?” asked a sign. “It might as well.”
housewives cheered for Rose. Rose welcomed everyone and asked for support in
the battle to clean-up Philadelphia Coke. She is a brave woman out fighting the
filth in the air. She had been threatened, and threatened, and threatened.
some stayed on the buses. “I feel exploited,” said one such man. “This thing is
like a personal campaign for Bridesburg. It’s too narrow.”
cannot agree with all of that. It is good the people of Bridesburg are willing
to fight for pure air in their community. If communities everywhere would stand
and fight all our problems would be licked, or so we believed then. And if it was housewives from Bridesburg no
one could yell about outside agitators. (Bridesburg is a section of Philly to
the North near the Delaware River, down from Frankford.)
thinking of the singing and the paper masks across our mouths, (these were handed out on the bus at the beginning of the tour) the trip took on
the aspects of a game. The game rolled around the block, three spaces forward,
while the breeze behind kicked black dust into the hair of the Bridesburg
children playing on the playground.

the beginning I quoted a song called “The Time of Man”. It was popularized by
the Limeliters in 1961 and became something of a theme during Earth Week. Our
problems are not new. Nor is the prophecy of the song new.
No way to hide my little baby’s eyes
From the damage
the dead have done.
They didn’t know
in the old time
The earth and
the sea were to share.
They didn’t know
in the old time.
Once there was
grass where you stand.
I wonder where all these concerned people will be
in 1975? Will they be singing? Or choking? Will our question be left unasked?
Will the question be: Where is man? And somewhere on that tour I began to break
away from the whole underground and protest scene.
Once there were
songs about rights
of wrongs.
was the time of man.
Parts of this account were written immediately after Earth Day 1970. Many of the opinion I held then, I no longer adhere to. It is called "growing up".
As a side note, if you watch the video's you will find our society was similarly split along racial lines then as now. The Black leaders and communities generally refused to join the students and others during Earth Week. They felt it would take away from their own protests and that the blight of their own Philadelphia neighborhoods was enough pollution to deal with. In a sense, then, Earth Day became a White Man's burden.
I was being turned off by all the bickering and self-serving attitudes I saw developing. This was the beginning of turning me to a darker world.
If The Pollution Trail was a tigger, several months later a second event sealed my growing skepticism and made me grow restless with the city. I had noted this particular instance earlier, mistakenly thinking it occurred in the heat of summer not long after I went to work at North American Publishing, which would have placed the whole affair back in 1969; however, I have since found documentation that corrected that view and in a way made more sense, giving that in the next year the Mayoral race would be in full swing. It was actually in October 1970 that they accused me of falsely registering to vote and tried to disenfranchise me. I was still living at The Commodore, but then working at Lincoln Bank. Here is the contemporary account of that I wrote to Joe Rubio on October 11, 1970:
As a side note, if you watch the video's you will find our society was similarly split along racial lines then as now. The Black leaders and communities generally refused to join the students and others during Earth Week. They felt it would take away from their own protests and that the blight of their own Philadelphia neighborhoods was enough pollution to deal with. In a sense, then, Earth Day became a White Man's burden.
I was being turned off by all the bickering and self-serving attitudes I saw developing. This was the beginning of turning me to a darker world.
If The Pollution Trail was a tigger, several months later a second event sealed my growing skepticism and made me grow restless with the city. I had noted this particular instance earlier, mistakenly thinking it occurred in the heat of summer not long after I went to work at North American Publishing, which would have placed the whole affair back in 1969; however, I have since found documentation that corrected that view and in a way made more sense, giving that in the next year the Mayoral race would be in full swing. It was actually in October 1970 that they accused me of falsely registering to vote and tried to disenfranchise me. I was still living at The Commodore, but then working at Lincoln Bank. Here is the contemporary account of that I wrote to Joe Rubio on October 11, 1970:
is proving an interesting week. My former party, the Republicans, is attempting
to take away my right to vote. I’ll give you the background.
I came
home Friday and got the mail. There was a “Petition for Cancellation of
Registration”. It was sworn out by Joseph H. Keenan of 4260 Chestnut Street
(died 1977). I went over to that address, but there doesn’t seem to be any
Keenan there. The witnesses were Helen Ida and Richard McNamee. They claim I am
not a permanent resident at this address. I am supposed to go to the hearing on
Thursday, October 15.
In my
opinion this is an irresponsible act, and in today’s mood, a dangerous one, and
I hope there can be criminal charges brought against these people. According to
the sworn statement, they investigated my registration and I am not a permanent
resident. Since I have lived here since April 1969 and my lease runs to
September 1971, and that the residency requirement for the state is 90 days and
for the district is only 60 days, that I voted in the primary in May 1970,
which is over 60 days ago, that I have worked in Philadelphia since 1959, that
I go to night school in the city, that I need five years to get my degree, that
I have a promising job I wouldn’t want to leave, I can’t see how they could
even claim they investigated, for how more permanent must one be?
the story is this. Keenan is a Republican committeeman, who in cahoots with
something called the Old World Organization, has filed 200-odd petitions on
registered Democrats in my area. They have aimed mainly at students. I would
not doubt that they also picked unemployed people. They did not petition Lois,
which they should have if I am not eligible. We registered together. I believe
this happened; they, these traitors, for what else could you call them, probably
just scanned the voter lists and picked out students and other strange
occupations. You see, when I registered I had just left North American
Publishing and not went to Lincoln. I was doing freelance writing so gave my
occupation as writer, which is an honorable business, I think. Besides, you
have a right to vote no matter what you do for a living.
wonder why students and young people revolt. They say we should not protest
because there are open channels to make our feelings known. Yet they try to prevent
gathering to petition our government, they ignore our spokesmen, and then these
people try to take away our vote.
Democrats have lawyers working on it. I hope we can really get these people. I
have offered my services. It makes me mad. I must take off work. As you know, I
think, I get an extra work day’s pay if I’m not absent for ninety days. I would
be collecting my second such reward in the first week of November, but now I
must take off to go to court to keep something I am entitled to in the first
place. These bastards are costing me money! They are a disgrace to our nation,
much more than any war protester, and yet they are firmly within the
establishment, probably respected and will probably escape with less
vindictiveness than the mildest protester against the war or for civil
does not reside at the address he gave by the way, and the Democrats have filed
against him in counter. McNamee lives in a shabby apartment where stated. Ida,
whose statement address turned out to be a vacant lot, is the wife of a Raymond
Ida, a real estate dealer, who probably won’t sell to Negros or those he
considers Hippies; perhaps seeing my address and profession they think I’m just
a Hippy. Anyway, you can see I am incensed about this. How dare they! I am
eligible to vote and yet if I shouldn’t go to the hearing, I lose my vote, and
perhaps will have trouble registering in the future. If I do go, I lose money
and the first day I’ll miss since working at Lincoln. These people should be
jailed! Who the hell do they think they are? I’ll let you know how it turns
I got
my transcript from Temple for the last two semesters. I have a 3.73 average
over them. What a year this is for work. Well, write soon.
more thing about this voting business, it is no good to be among the silent.
You might as well fight from go, because I have not been involved publicly in
anything political and look at what happens. You must fight for what you
believe in, no matter what, otherwise everyone loses.
I described how the hearing went in an earlier chapter and
what a farce it proved to be. (See Post of 7/11/16 called "Toward Last November". I now had other matters on my mind, like a term
paper due in English Intermedia Composition and in the beginning of the year
Lincoln Bank was moving the operating center to a new location.

Thanks for another interesting chapter.
The reference to "Ira Einhorn hosting the Fairmount Park Rally. " is misleading. Numerous and easily found references document that Einhorn was a bit of a gadfly and publicity hound in those days. This infamous photo often attributing leadership to him is now clearly de-bunked. He had actually taken over the podium and event leaders were waiting him to stand down rather than create an incident. He had no official position in the planning or hosting the Fairmount Park event. I was there.
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