President Nixon announced he was ordering troop withdrawals
from Vietnam. Soon the media was reporting that the Army First Infantry
Division was coming home. This was the Division Joe Rubio served in and our
expectations grew he might be deactivated from that war sooner rather than
He wrote me on January 24 concerning this rumor.
“I better tell you a
little about this supposed to be pullout of the 1st Division. The
latest word we heard was if you weren’t about to go home anyway you wouldn’t be
going. What they are doing is taking people from other divisions who are just
about finished their tour and putting them in the 1st division for
the pull out. The amount of first division people going is about 2%. The rest
of us will be transferred to new divisions. I know for the people back home
this will be very disappointing, many of us feel the same way. The thing that
gets me is how they can tell all the people back home these things knowing they
aren’t true. Oh, some of the 1st Division is leaving, but all of its
men are staying and being put in new units. So now all I can do is resume my
old count down and hope the time goes fast. By the way I am down to 163 days

Joe noted on the plus side he had been promoted to E-5
Sergeant. His brother John arrived in Germany on January 10.

Becoming ever more radicalized, Lois and I became active with
the Social Action Council through the First Unitarian Church in Center City. The
first Sunday we walked into this institution we found ourselves not in a usual Sunday service of hymns and homilies, but in a rehearsal for a planned Vietnam protest in Rittenhouse
Square. It was a die-in, where we participants would lay scattered about the
park representing the dead killed in the war. It was still the waning days of winter and the grounds and pavements of the park were icy cold to lie upon as if a casualty.
Lois and I got very enthusiastic about a program to buy Black Action Bonds in support of Black Capital. We viewed it as one of the best ways possible to aid the African-American community since we believed their plight was mostly economic. It was the program's idea that if we Whites and the church participated with this bond objective we would help the Black community to reach economic equality with society as a whole.
Lois and I got very enthusiastic about a program to buy Black Action Bonds in support of Black Capital. We viewed it as one of the best ways possible to aid the African-American community since we believed their plight was mostly economic. It was the program's idea that if we Whites and the church participated with this bond objective we would help the Black community to reach economic equality with society as a whole.

Many people today think the country is about to explode; In 1970 it did explode; in fact, there
were a number of bombing as Sping was blooming: two in Maryland, one in Pittsburgh, one in
Wisconsin, three in California and four in New York all within later weeks March. On the 13th alone there had been 400 bomb scares in New York.
It snowed Easter morning at the rate of
2 inches an hour before changing over briefly to rain and hail, then back to snow that
dropped another 5 inches of the white stuff. I still had no job and a car that would not start. My dad came into Philly and picked us up and we stayed at my
parents through dinner. Dad took us home around 8:00 PM.
It was an unpredictable stormy March in mores way than one.
It was a month
later, on April 14, that I attended the premier at Quince Pie (I believe they
actually spelled it Pye). My article on it was published a week later in "Philadelphia After Dark". It was
around this same time I received a letter from Young Publications requesting I send
them some poems to be published in an anthology they were planning. My poetry
had been published here and there, including readings on a weekly radio show
called Personal Poetry. Hosted by David Allen. It was broadcast on WEFG-Stereo
out of Winchester, Virginia. It was my guess the editors had learned of my poems from that.

In early May I received a letter from Joe Rubio asking what I
thought of Nixon sending troops into Cambodia. I didn’t write him back
immediately because I couldn’t afford stamps.
Meanwhile, the
violence in the states continued to percolate. On May 4, students at Kent State
in Ohio held a protest against the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Several
members of the National Guard, who were there to keep order, opened fire, most
shooting into the ground, but some fired into the crowd and four students were
killed and nine additional were wounded, one of whom was left paralyzed. This
garnered much media coverage and became something of a symbol of the times,
especially the image of a female student on her knees wailing over a fallen
body lying on the pavement.

From my letter to Joe dated May 17: We’re
used to getting casually figures from Vietnam, now we get them from the home
front as well. Four students at Kent State in Ohio, 11 at Jackson State in
Mississippi, instances of confrontation, colleges closed down, construction workers
attacking student demonstrators on Wall Street, etc, and so forth. Our country
is losing its cool; going out of its collective head, who is talking sense
anymore? Hardly anyone. And there isn’t a soul listening.”
On May 11 Joe Rubio became one of the troops sent into Cambodia, where he remained until the 14th.
On May 11 Joe Rubio became one of the troops sent into Cambodia, where he remained until the 14th.
Have we really progressed much today?
1 comment:
I was barely a teenager in 1970, and it was a very confusing time to grow up in.
I remember H. Rap Brown agitating in Cambridge, Md. (and thought that was a cool name!)
And on my daily commute to work, I pass close by to the Knights Of Columbus hall where the Berrigan Bros and the Catonsville Nine burned draft records.
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