My story, “Writings of Elwin Adams” was published in the
January 1970 issue of “Magazine of Horror”. My first had appeared a year
earlier in the January 1969 issue. Of the stories I wrote in the horror genre,
“Writings of Elwin Adams” was probably the most well received.

A year
ago I was able to obtain a copy of this book.
“Magazine of Horror” was an international publication. You
could find it on most newsstands back then, usually near the bottom row. It was
one of the small, 7 inches by 5 inches, pulp fiction magazines such as Amazing
Stories, Thrilling Detective, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and
I had my fans. Here is a letter to the editor from Canada:

Around the
fourteenth of January an editor from “Philadelphia After Dark” called and asked
me if I could write a feature story for them. Of course I could! That first
feature turned into a series of essays on Children’s Theater in Philadelphia.
That first feature took me to the Children’s Repertory
Theatre of Philadelphia located on Rittenhouse Square. “Philadelphia After
Dark” even provided me with a photographer on this outing, who snapped several
shots that illustrated my article.
My story was popular enough I was soon sent out to The Pocket
Playhouse, which was located in what was then streets of hippie stores and cafes
on the West blocks of Lombard and Samson just before the river.
Children’s Repertory
was a very serious training ground for future actors. The plays were performed
by children for children under the direction of its founder, Dr. H. Walter
Wenkaert, who spoke with something of a German accent. The Pocket Playhouse was
somewhat different, although just as concerned with inspiring children toward
the theater. All the plays here were performed by adult actors, who lived
together as a commune. They did adult plays, but once a week performed
children theater.
The picture on the right may be the old Pocket Playhouse as it
is today. This building is on the corner of 23rd and Samson, which
seems about right. This whole area has been gentrified since I haunted these
streets and most of what was there in the 1960s-70s has been replaced by new

The photo on the left with the number 31showing is the site of
The Mask and Wig Clubhouse where I believe Quince Pie was operating. Actually
the address is 311 S. Quince.
I was thrilled to be publishing, but I wasn’t making enough money
from my pieces to support Lois and me. I was paid $64 for “Writings of Elwin
Adams”, and that was the most I got for anything. That really was not a bad fee at the time for a short story. In today’s dollars it was almost equivalent to $400, but
even in 1970 $64 didn’t go far enough. So I was spending a lot of my time
looking for a steady job.
I had revisited Accounts Receivable at ARCo, but I hardly
knew anybody working there now. Accounts Receivable was falling apart. There
was talk of breaking it up into smaller sections. My old favorite manager,
Donald Jones was retiring. There had been a big meeting where the higher ups
came and bawled out everybody in the department for the low quality of their
work. They even fired two people. Tom Black, who was the fellow that replaced
me didn’t last. He simply went to pieces and was out on a health leave. I
relized I had made the right decision on leaving when I did.
I was accepted by Crowell-Collier into their Management
Training Program, starting at $150 a week. It would jump to $190 a week after
two months, but a week into the training turned it down because the hours were between 1:30 Pm and
9:00 PM and that would have prevented me from continuing in college.
Of course, I couldn’t
attend college that semester because I didn’t have any money.
Oh well, I really didn’t want to sell encyclopedias anyway. I
would have much rather wrote for “Collier’s Magazine”, but it had ceased
publication in 1957.

Wilkie Buick offered me a job as Assistant Controller at $155
a week, but I turned it down too. Why? Because everybody around me was saying
look for a writing job, don’t waste your talent keeping books of numbers.

wrote four ads for them, two for the Inquirer and two for the Philadelphia
Daily News. There was one print ad and one radio ad for each publication. Those
were all I ever did there.
Meanwhile I was living on soft pretzels for lunch.
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